I'm using this nice little tool to blog from my e-mail! This is coollll!!! I like it. Though...it's useless. Okay, enough of this. Time for bed!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Well, isn't this nice?
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 24, 2007
"I wish they could make one a heart..."
Off to Memorial Park! Stupid me forgot to change into jeans before I went, so I'm there, freezing, with shorts. Heck, at least I had a sweatshirt. Once Chiara got to the port-a-potty, and finnished doing God knows what in that disgusting contraption, Jess, Chiara and myself hit the rides. We went on the Cliff Hanger, again. Twice, at that. Mrs. Waters was there, too, with her son. We got our pictures...taken...for some reason. The second time, Ian was behind us. He attempted to tell us how amazing the typhoon ride was. No one was actually listening. I just kept saying things like "I LOVE YOU IAN! YEAH. WOO IAN!!!" Chiara soon joined along. Then, oh boy. Then I talked Spanish to the...er...... PEOPLE there. Yeah, that's it. One of them heard me and gave me this weird look. So, we were like idiots, on this ride, and I was screaming at the top of my lungs, "ARRIBA!!!!!!! HOLAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! ME GUSTA MUCHO!" Chiara joined there, too. Jess must have thought I was a complete idiot. Heck, I am, aren't I? We also heard the people testing fireworks while we were on the ride. OH OH OH!!! Then we went on that boat. Well, okay. Both rides, in my opinion, ESPECIALLY cliff-hanger went faster. Cliff hanger went way faster, and much longer, without a doubt. So, thennnn we got MOUNTAIN DEW. WOOO. Andddd.... oh. Yeah. 3 fried dough, right here, please! Mine...mysteriously exploded all over my chest...hmmmm... with powdered sugar that is still in the sweatshirt. I'm going to have to wash that tonight. That was very...unpleseant...and tasteless. Not funny. But then we watched the fireworks! I want to go on the orbiter =[. The fireworks this year were rather spectacular. Much better compared to any previous year. The cotton candy was, well...cotton candy-ish. With it all, are the memories of a fantastic day...with a song I didn't expect to get stuck in my head.
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 1:42 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 22, 2007
The first time I didn't mourn a death...
It's 11:15 P.M., on this beautiful Friday night. I'm watching the Yanke game, and they're winning 3-0. (Well, for now.) Well, I go to turn on my Zune. (Make that 4-0... No, wait, they don't know if it was a home-run. No, it's not.) I see nothing but a huge ZUNE logo. Then I see... (okay, now its 5-0), I see... "5. Contact Support" with a picture of a zune and a big "X" on its screen. Wonderful. SECOND TIME. SECOND TIME!!!! Never again. I like iPod Videos, thank you very much.
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 11:28 PM 0 comments
“Love may exist without jealousy, although this is rare; but jealousy may exist without love, and this is common”
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Can it be?!?!?!?!
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 5:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wooh, woooohhh!
Wow, what a dork I am. I just got really excited over absolutely nothing. Mmm, weird. Well, anyway, moving along, quickly.
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 8:16 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Finally, formal pictures!
Okay, I have a TON of pictures. Here are some. A few. You know, a delectable taste of the happenings at formal. Formal '07. Mardi Gras. =]. 6/1/2007
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Listen to this!
This is something that I think all of you should take some time out of your day to listen to. I'm not going to give any details of this. Just listen, and enjoy. Take note to the echo in the background, doesn't that person have such a good voice? YOU MIGHT WANT TO PAUSE THE OTHER SONG AND HIT PLAY HERE.
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 4:49 PM 0 comments
Tacks: Amazing Voice, Music, Rambles
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Just a ramble...
Grr. No, I had no fun yesterday. No Hershey Park. No competition. None of that. Well, okay, I had fun, but not like they did. Okay, 1st period we had a breakfast, which was hilarious, might I say. Mrs. Moreno was a.... 'proud' mother of 10 kids, and we all sat at these tables eating and telling stories. Siobhan went nuts with Carbs and Sugar. We have to watch it next time. Every other class...except for English was usual. And boring. English, she told us to do some work. None of us did, by the way. Nope. I played catch with Mac, sometimes Chris and Christian. The end of Soc. St. I played catch with Mac, too. (You know, big globe.) Well, I might be doing something today, but I'm not quite sure. I refuse to go to the city. I might go into town in about an hour. Who knows? Well, whatever the case, it will be fun. My schedule for today is quite rather...a netted wad of....heh? It's a mess. I have no idea what I'm doing. Okay. Yeah. Bye
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Tacks: Rambles
Thursday, June 7, 2007
A long deserved tribute
Well, blogs....blogs....blogs............... I was never into blogs. In fact, anyone that had a blog, or had the time to tend to one, I blasted and thought they were a complete and utter dork and nerd, at the bottom of the food chain, the crust on bread. (Okay, bad analogy.) Well, I was helping a certain someone with theirs, when I actually thought, hey, maybe this isn't that bad. I mean, I had a myspace, but myspace is crawling with cloaked sexual predators. At least on this, I know who's blog I read is real. (Her dad gave the all-important number one rule of anything on the internet. No last names, no personal information.) This in mind, everything is safe. Well, nothing on the internet is totally safe, but this is as close as you'll get. Even Jess got a foreign visitor on her blog. This one is from over 3000 miles away, down in
São Paulo, Brazil.
Yes, São Paulo. How about that? He spoke PORTUGESE. Well, he couldn't get anything. ANYWAY, BACK ON TASK, HERE. Because of them, I'm a blogger. As dorky as that may sound, yes, I am a blogger. And so is she. So is Chiara. So is Kerianne, and so is Christian. Maybe even Meghan sooner or later. Well, it's actually sort of...well...not exactly fun. It's a nice little sanctuary, where you know someone is reading. Even if they think everything you type is absolute basura (Translation: garbage. I just like that word.) It's fun! COME ON. SAY IT! Well, anyway. It's thanks to you, that I even have a blog. Or, really,...well, I better not say anything. I might get slapped and yelled at. Oh heck! It's safe to say you got us all to get one. You know who we are. Thanks Jess. =]Written by MarcoPolumbo at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
lack of post-age. =] Sorry Jess. =]
Haha, yeah. I took the age thing. Oh well. I'm here to address a severe problem in today's world. A problem that if so left alone, the proverbial tornado from a moth's wing could take shape. It is comparable to an epidemic, and must be addressed. This intensely grotesque problem is LPS. Lack of Posting Syndrome. Yes. I have succumb to this. Well, I've been sick, and not exactly in the best of moods lately. But, I'm much better now. It's almost Summer. I need an escape. I think I found it. =]. Well, not much time. But to leave you with a thought, I thought Mr. Mesic showed us the only song in existence about Pluto. Sadly, I was incorrect in this assumption. Here, my friends and fellow bloggers, is Tout Petit La Planete, by Plastic Bertrand. =\
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 7:16 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 1, 2007
Our Last Dance
I promised I would post. But...so far I have not gotten around to that. Right now I'm printing out the August '05 regents, and I spent about 3 hours yesterday meandering mindlessly through Pine Island on the way to Minisink, for my Mom's-Friend's-Daughters softball championship game, Pine Bush v. Newburgh. Newburgh won in a thriller, 3-2. It was truly an amazing game. Then, on the way home, the GPS system decided to become even more dysfunctional than it was going there. I navigated my mother for a couple of miles via a map about 3 square inches in size. I had it right...when we finally got the GPS system to work again. My mom got a bit...annoyed with me, because at every house I said "OH! LOOK! IT'S MEGHAN'S HOUSE!" Well, these homes in Pine Island were truly something out of a scene of Scarface. Well, I b'est be going. It's 10:52 and I still haven't eating breakfast! Mmm, Cinnamon Rolls, anyone? =] Oh, and a couple of more things. I have the notorious reputation of never dancing at any dance. Well, that has since changed, thank-you-very-much. I was dancing the entire formal. You know, except for when I was thirsty and such. I had soooo much fun. Dancing, and everything. The music was ear-blasting loud. What a truly amazing night. And everyone looked amazing. I'm not even kidding. Oh, and then there were the four misfits =] that came all together. They looked very nice, I'd say best out of everyone. Well, I guess I did kind of get to the formal in this post. Well, I'll be back later. I might post more, but no promises. shimly
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Tacks: Rambles
So, how many times today could I possibly hear that someone was an early leaver? It drove me INSANE. Well, they finally gave up and said "Anyone who is going home early, come to the office at the time you're leaving." (Which was followed by Mrs. Moreno yelling "THANK YOU!" through the hallway. I had a lot of...no, I didn't. Half of the 8th grade was gone, along with all of the 6th and 7th graders. [[At an assembly]] It was eerily quiet. Especially without the loud, mocking voices of Chiara and Jess. :-p. Just kidding. Well, tonight is formal. Finally. Enough worrying about the day to come, and just plain having fun, because it's here. I have to say though, I never knew how many feminist boys there are in our school...that just were perplexed to leave early. They said it was "Because they can." Well, if Mark, whose last name rhymes with mine, hadn't left, this may had been true. (=]. Sorry Mark.) But, during 4th and 5th period, I was sitting next to Mrs. Moreno while she ran down the list, and gave a big cackle at any boy's name that was leaving, and highlighted them all. She let out an especially big cackle at the name "Mark ......" Well, I better go shower, and clean up. I actually kinda like the way I look this time. I hate myself in dress pants, but everything else makes up for it. So, on that note, have fun if you're going. I know I will, and there's nothing that can stop me!
For the theme:
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 3:43 PM 0 comments