Because I like aviation so much, I find things like this very interesting. I also make it my business to research a lot of things about airplanes, which is why I tend to know more than the average Joe or Jane. This is a test conducted by the US government on what would happen to a plane if it was flown into the walls that house the nuclear reactor at nuclear power plants. To me, it looks like we won't have to worry about a terror threat like this... unless plane debris enters the reactor...then that;s something to worry about.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
My new music!
Please, PLEASE comment and tell me what you think about my music. Please? Please??? Please tell me what you think about it. It would mean a lot. No, really, please tell me. I'd like it if you did. Please? COMMENT ME. Thanks
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
Well, Well, Well...
I just got back from our first official NHD meeting. Remember in the beginning when Mr. Rauschenbach said we would want to do this every year and we scoffed at him? Well, he was right. I hate to say it, but he was. So we decided at our meeting that we'll wait to do any major deciding. So, that was a very productive meeting. The majority of the decision-making took all of about 20 minutes, but we stayed at Jess's house for around two hours. It was quite a fun meeting, too. And no, Mrs. McClelland, I did NOT paint my nails black, so don't have a heart attack.
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Well, This is short & sweet.
I don't have much time. I'm just about to hit the shower, buttttt..... I think you should see this amazing picture. If you don't think its amazing, you have problems. This was taken from Space Shuttle Endeavour, and that sparkling thing? That's the sun. Down below is mother Earth what I believe is the continent of North America. (That's California!) Okie dokie. Have a good day people!
OH! And here's one of my brother! =]]]
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 25, 2007
My Schedule
Okay, my schedule is as follows: Per 1. Math AB w/Mark Per 2. Phys Ed (ABC) Lab w/Nilsson (D) Study Hall w/Myruski (EF) Per 3. Spanish 2 w/Heller Per 4. Study Hall (This will most likely be my Career & Financial Management Class 1st half, and keyboarding 2nd half or vice~versa) Per 5. Lunch Per 6. Living Environment Honors w/Nilsson Per 7. English 9H w/Martinez (I heard they are an awesome teacher from some of the teachers @ Sanfordville.) Per 8. Global History 1H w/Caliendo (They're new.) They made a mistake on my 2nd semester schedule, but nothing changes. =].
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 6:22 PM 0 comments
VFTW, Keeping in Touch
Hey people. I haven't posted in a while, so, sorry. Not much as been going on, actually. I'm just finishing up To Kill A Mocking Bird, which is surprisingly good. It's 12:04 AM so I think I should head on out. I'll post tomorrow! And I call it.... How Two Nerds Fall in Love.
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Owange Chicken, just like momma make et.
Hehehehe. Well, I would post, but I'm suddenly not in the mood. Lah-dee-dah!
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Short & Sweet: VFTW
A Scene from Damages, a new hit show on FX
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 1:24 AM 1 comments
Tacks: VFTW
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Oh My Goodness.
Just a few words...
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 11:40 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 17, 2007
I'm pretty much decided on the NEW Chocolate. I'm sorry. Last~swing decision. Don't expect a firm decision until the moment I absolutely need to have made that desicion. Okay, people. Here's the video for tonight. This is comedian Jo Koy on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. (This one is a treat, so enjoy!) P.S. fellow NHD nerdettes (=]) Kerianne pointed out that this guy's accent is flawless. We should have hired him to present for us, no?=] Just kidding. =\
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 1:26 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
So, it's 1:31, and I know what you're thinking. Heh, bud, I want to see your bud, not read this tedious text. Well then, I'll cut to it. Two things have me awake right now, and one of them is that McDonald's Iced Coffee. (PHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!) So, OH. Next week I'm getting a phone. I'm siding with the New Chocolate be the way, Jess. But I still want to see yours again. Well I have something to show you. I use my cell phone always to wake me up. This will be my new alarm in the morning. Enjoy!
Create free ringtones at Phonezoo
Oh, yes. And my dog, too.
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 1:31 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Video, again.
Okay, I think I'm caught up for the half week...or whatever. I don't know. Here's one more video. I don't know why I find this commercial hilarious, but think about it. Paul older. He can't jump around like that as much anymore. So imagine him doing that down your street. And look at his face, and how his eyes get huge! AHAHAHAHAHA. Dance Tonight by Paul McCartney.
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
This one's for Moreno.
So these are T-Shirts Kerianne and I carefully crafted for Mrs. Moreno. Like them?
In case you can't read the back, it says "The power of the exponent is bestowed upon what is directly beneath it," and has Pi calculated to around the 1000th digit.
Too bad its $16.00 A SHIRT!
By the way, this is my 70th post! =]
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 7:46 PM 2 comments
This is really cool. Take a look at the video for this week, straight from SNL.
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 1:33 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Welcome to Planet Earth
Mhm, yes, yes. First off, birthdays long overdue. Caitlin - I missed yours by two weeks ;] Juliet - Yours was Wednesday, not that you read this blog. Happy 6th birthday!!! Okay, next item up for business... Tonights the meteor shower. It's the first time in quite a while since there's been one without a Moon shining in the sky. (Tonight's a new moon.) I've never seen one before. (Sorry...J) Tonight will be my first one. I'm going to make it my business to get out there tonight, around 1:00AM during the peak, and enjoy it. Take a look at this article. On a side note, (to the band geeks) you'll constantly see "Perseids." I kept thinking at said "Persads."
Great Perseids 07.11.2007 + Play Audio | + Download Audio | + Email to a friend | + Join mailing list July 11, 2007: Got a calendar? Circle this date: Sunday, August 12th. Next to the circle write "all night" and "Meteors!" Attach the above to your refrigerator in plain view so you won't miss the 2007 Perseid meteor shower. "It's going to be a great show," says Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office at the Marshall Space Flight Center. "The Moon is new on August 12th--which means no moonlight, dark skies and plenty of meteors." How many? Cooke estimates one or two Perseids per minute at the shower's peak. see caption Above: A Perseid fireball photographed August 12, 2006, by Pierre Martin of Arnprior, Ontario, Canada. [Larger image] The source of the shower is Comet Swift-Tuttle. Although the comet is nowhere near Earth, the comet's tail does intersect Earth's orbit. We glide through it every year in August. Tiny bits of comet dust hit Earth's atmosphere traveling 132,000 mph. At that speed, even a smidgen of dust makes a vivid streak of light--a meteor--when it disintegrates. Because Swift-Tuttle's meteors fly out of the constellation Perseus, they are called "Perseids." Note: In the narrative that follows, all times are local. For instance, 9:00 pm means 9:00 pm in your time zone, where you live. Sign up for EXPRESS SCIENCE NEWS delivery The show begins between 9:00 and 10:00 pm on Sunday, August 12th, when Perseus rises in the northeast. This is the time to look for Perseid Earthgrazers--meteors that approach from the horizon and skim the atmosphere overhead like a stone skipping the surface of a pond. "Earthgrazers are long, slow and colorful; they are among the most beautiful of meteors," says Cooke. He cautions that an hour of watching may net only a few of these--"at most"--but seeing even one makes the long night worthwhile. As the night unfolds, Perseus climbs higher and the meteor rate will increase many-fold. "By 2 am on Monday morning, August 13th, dozens of Perseids may be flitting across the sky every hour." The crescendo comes before dawn when rates could exceed a meteor a minute. For maximum effect, Cooke advises, "get away from city lights." The brightest Perseids can be seen from cities, he allows, but the greater flurry of faint, delicate meteors is visible only from the countryside. Scouts, this is a good time to go camping. see caption Above: The eastern sky, viewed during the hours before sunrise on Monday, Aug. 13, 2007. And there's a bonus: Mars. In the constellation Taurus, just below Perseus, Mars shines like a bright red star. Many of the Perseids you see on August 12th and 13th will flit right past it. Instead of following the meteor, you may find you have a hard time taking your eyes off Mars. There's something bewitching about it, maybe the red color or perhaps the fact that it doesn't twinkle like a true star. You stare at Mars and it stares right back. Earth and Mars are converging for a close encounter in December 2007. NASA is taking advantage by launching a new mission to Mars--the Phoenix Lander. Phoenix will touch down on an arctic plain where it can dig into the ground and investigate layers of soil and ice, searching for, among other things, a habitable zone for primitive microbes. The launch window opens on August 3rd, so by the time the Perseids arrive Phoenix may be hurtling toward the Red Planet. Landing: late Spring 2008. It's something to think about at four in the morning, with Mars rising in the east, meteors flitting across the sky, and a summer breeze rustling the legs of your pajamas. Maybe you should go circle your calendar again. SEND THIS STORY TO A FRIEND Author: Dr. Tony Phillips | Production Editor: Dr. Tony Phillips | Credit: Science@NASA
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 9:16 PM 0 comments
I just stumbled upon some Tiananmen Square documents, NHD people. Wanna see them?
It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice.
Deng Xiaoping
The theory of relativity worked out by Mr. Einstein, which is in the domain of natural science, I believe can also be applied to the political field. Both democracy and human rights are relative concepts - and not absolute and general.
Jiang Zemin
If you want to know the taste of a pear, you must change the pear by eating it yourself. If you want to know the theory and methods of revolution, you must take part in revolution. All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience.
Mao Zedong
War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.
Mao Zedong
We will make every effort with utmost sincerity to achieve a peaceful reunification of the country.
Hu Jintao
China is like a sleeping giant. And when she awakes, she shall astonish the world.
Napoleon Bonaparte, 1803
Fear is not the natural state of civilized people.
When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 4:30 PM 2 comments
Alright, this is just crazy.
I found out how to do a bunch of cool things with Blogger. So, yet again, my template and page layout have changed. They may change once more. I'm feeling a bit nostalgic, you know? Thanks. Sorry! =\
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 4:26 PM 0 comments
“Let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths”
You know, tonight is a new moon. You know what that means!, you don't. I don't either. I mean, if you had Mr. Mesic, he preached something about tides and new moon...but I'm not sure what. It's summer, and after I finished that pesky regents exam, oh Lordy. I could feel all of my knowledge of Earth Science escape me like air from a deflating balloon. Well, regardless of said knowledge, tonight is going to be a special night. Tonight there is a meteor shower! The Earth has found itself stuck in the tail of a passing comet, and the particles from its tail will burn while hurtling through our atmosphere. It should be quite a show tonight, when it peaks around 1:00AM, with up to one meteor per minute. This meteor shower can be seen from Westphalia to Tiananmen Square; from Billy Joel's house to the African Congo; from Warwick to Warwick, and all around the world. Well, I must go give my doggie his medicine. I'll post again today, that's a promise. =\
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Sorry....I got cold feet. The other blog is so not me. So.... back at home I am.
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Alright, alright!!! I'll explain...
See, I like RummagingRover, rather than FartherThanYonder, which was going to be temporary, anyway. Look, I'm open to comments and suggestions. Should I go back? Please vent, and leave me comments. D= Rummage - To search Rover - One that beseeks...
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 10, 2007
Exspectata ut sedecim
Okay, you come to my blog, and see something you didn't expect to see at all. Yes, my blog has been completely renovated. Everything down to my cool links at the right *hint-hint* and the song playing in the background. Alright, well I'll say one thing. Out of all of this, one thing was predictable...well, two, if you'd visited my blog about ten minutes prior to this post.
- My blog exploded again to a state of extreme disrepair, where fixing it would have meant mangling through twisted code and "div's" and "
" and stuff as such. - I am a huge fan of acoustics, particularly for background music on a blog.
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Tacks: idiocrity, Rambles, Revelations
NUMBER 59!!!
I scoff at the idea of posting, when I have such a hippy-bippy, poppity electric soundtrack to listen to. Don't you, also, Duchess Chiara? H☺A☺I☺R☺S☻P☻R☻A☻Y
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 4:58 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 6, 2007
Ahhh, bud bud bud... =[
Sigh..... My blog decided to do a 1080 on me. Give me some time, I'll have it all corrected. For now, bare with this layout, however boring and just.... euuuuckkk it might be. Thannkkksss.
Written by MarcoPolumbo at 4:24 PM 3 comments