What a glorious day. Just simply...beautiful.
So, what's in my day? Okay, here goes:
I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, put the wrong foot out first, awoke to a lackluster sunrise, tripped over Mother Nature herself, trudged out the door, and pranced off to grandma's, and had a glorious sunset.
Hey, I'm proud of that. =].
Well, how, you ask? Don't worry, I know you didn't ask. But I'll tell you anyway...
I absolutely HATE waking up to the phone ringing, and the person says "I'm almost there. Be ready."
That was my grandmother. She was taking me to her house. She was at the post office...which is only...eh, a 10 minute walk from my house. Great. I was rushing. It took me a whole half hour to get ready. I know, Jess, Chiara, that's not long you're saying. But without breakfast, for a guy it is. Sorry, I can't go out without a clean face, fixed hair, and perfectly...err...'non-wrinkley' clothing. I can't. I just can't do it. (Brushed teeth, other things, too, of course. Including my dog.) She waited outside for a good... okay, the entire half hour. I felt so bad. So I went to her house. With my advice, she bought a brand new laptop, from Dell. (A steep $1,400...) Well, anyway... then we went FISHING! We went fishing, hoping to bring home some dinner. I figured we would be there a while. Call me a freak, but I brought a Bible. Today was the first time I've ever gone "Awwwwww!" at a worm. (Not the cute way, the "That's horrible!" way.) Well, I caught a fish... I was going to take it. It was far too little to be eaten though. Maybe its length was...from the tip of your middle finger to the bottom of your palm. I took out the hook...from its lip. =[. I felt horrible. Oh, and then, while taking it out, it shook and pricked me with its very sharp fins. Hey, you know what? I deserved that. Nothing else was caught. As the sun began to set...out on the dock I was, reading the bible. Finishing with John 3:16. How nice. I really didn't plan that. It was amazing. So an off-balance morning turned into a gorgeous and beautiful day. Oh, I can't forget to mention, when I was walking out on the dock, a little buddy joined me. It was a monarch butterfly. It flew to my jean-shorts, and didn't let go. =]. So, today I was quite literally high on nature. Oh my! There is so much to say. Dorry I'm jumping around so much, but I'm thinking as I type. I know, no writer should ever do that, only in diaries, and journals. But, this is my journal, eh? The sky...over the lake, there were huge puffy storm clouds in the distance. But it was sunny over the lake with a slight breeze. The water was lapping at our feet. It was amazing. Picture perfect, something that words cannot possibly capture. So, we got back to my grandma's house. Then it rained. I love the rain. What a stellar day. Ohh... hehehe=]. Anyone in Earth Science.......... okay. Let me set up what happened. My grandma wanted to know why a spool, the circular thingy on a fishing rod that spins and has all of your fishing line, glides so smoothly. I then see the words "GRAPHITE SPINNER" written prominently accross the side. Oh boy. I really shouldn't know that graphite... is a 'greasy' type of mineral, that glides easily on any surface, which is why it is used for pencils, and has a hardness of about 1. Mr. Mesic...why did you do this to me? Why did you make it so that when the sun sets, and I see the reddish sky, I think of your classes, or when the moon is out... I know what phase its called? Mr. Mesic...you're a dork. I am, too.
Earth Science was traumatic.
So tomorrow I'm going to get The Girl That Loved Tom Gordon...
OH! I forgot to add someone very obvious to my heroes...
Sounds like a beautiful day you had! I would have cried to see the worm =( Don't you just love reading the Bible? It's so comforting, empowering and enlightning. And that's perfectly normal to jump around in your thoughts. All good writers do it. I mean, you should see my....three journals. My thoughts are completely jumbled. It's a sign of deep, intertwined thoughts. Not to mention my journal has post-it notes on, like, every page. Oh, speaking of being a dork, I was identifying clouds as Cumulonimbus. I felt like such a nerd. Have you read To Kill A Mockingbird yet?
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