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Thursday, December 25, 2008


Everyone stopped posting! Understandable -- it's a busy time of the year, and I'm not sure myself when I'll get back in the blogging business. How was your Christmas? Mine was great, I love my family. I wasa very lucky 
child this year.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Winter.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Warwick OCAL - Sat & Sun 6:30P & 9:30P

I was in the audience for the taping along with a bunch of Warwick people, so I guess I'd let you guys know that Warwick will be on Cablevision channel 12 on Saturday & Sunday (12/20 & 12/21) at 6:30P and 9:30P both days on the challenge. It'll also be available online sometime next week, I'll post a link to that then, but take a look at Warwick's page...

Warwick OCAL - Click Here

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Family Guy

This has to be the funniest episode ever.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Busy busy busy times coming up. Don't know how much I'll be able to blog, but I took some pics of my Christmas tree. Please take a look!!


Thursday, December 11, 2008


Two videos I want you guys to see, I really like them.

This is safe to watch always. It's short, and I think it's amazing. I love this song & typography.

This one here...if parents are around and they're sensitive to cursing, then wait to watch this. This is really funny, thanks to Jack Black.

Monday, December 8, 2008

DBQ - Intro

What do you think?

Throughout history, human life on earth has been a struggle for power. The strongest defeat the weakest in a show of tenacity and valor. As civilizations continued to grow great in power and become prosperous, some would attempt the capture of others with whom they do not share a rivalry. Perhaps it was just to flaunt the muscles of their empire, or perhaps there were other motives involved, but through the chaos, just too obscure to decipher exactly what. As life hit more modern times in the 17th century, reason became an important part in performing actions. The Renaissance had been coming to a close, and the current Scientific Revolution left the majority of civilization asking for motives in actions of their superiors. Though at times seemingly debauched, governments had an answer for all of their actions. The Industrial Revolution led to a boom in imperialism beginning in the 17th and 18th centuries. Through the rush for territory, one country proved exceptionally successful. The British Empire spanned the globe by the 19th century. The empire produced rippling effects on the world. The sun didn’t begin to set on this vast beast until the 1950’s, due to war, famine, and no longer tolerated British oppression.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Oh man

Wow. What an absolutely horrible day. My foot is still bleeding, too. But it's all in good fun. School's going well. Did you know Hillary Clinton is ineligible to become Secretary of State unless the salary for the job is lowered back down to it's Jan 2008 raise? It's called the Emolument Clause in the constitution. If the office in the Presidential Cabinet a representative from congress is appointed to has received a pay-hike during that representative's current term, then they are ineligible to take that position unless the salary goes back down. So basically Hillary can't take office unless congress lowers the salary for Secretary of State to its pre 2008 raise state. They will, but I find legalities interesting. Lookup "Saxbe" on news.google.com for more info.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Time


I'm happy, can't you tell? Now for some light humor. Craig Ferguson is hilarious.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cuppin Fuffin

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and while Thanksgiving is a time for wonderful get-togethers, my family doesn't go crazy over Thanksgiving. You see, I guess we're a weird bunch. We celebrate Christmas much larger than Thanksgiving, with three gatherings, not one. Our first gathering is traditionally the Saturday before Christmas, which, this year, is the 21st. We all meet in my Great-grandmother's apartment in Harlem (far north Manhattan.) After that, we meet for the most special gathering, at my grandmother's house here in Warwick on Christmas Eve. My grandmother cooks a feast, and I bake some desserts to bring. Usually I make those pre-made cookies, but I'm feeling something different this year. We gather around 2:00PM, and more people gather throughout the night, until we have somewhere in the realm of 15 or so. We sing, play guitar, and have a nice time. My aunt and I run around with cameras and video cameras, documenting the night. After dinner, (which, as I said before, is a feast fit for a king) we head to a local Catholic chapel, where, my grandfather who's a Catholic preacher, gives mass. This goes until just before midnight. We drive back to my grandmother's house where we all open gifts. My aunt and I, once again, run around with cameras. Everyone gets home by around 2:00AM, by this time it's Christmas morning. This year we're hopefully beginning a new tradition. The day after Christmas, which is a Friday this year, our family is heading to Sayville, Long Island, about two hours out, to gather at my uncle's house. We're going to spend the day there and exchange more Christmas spirit. I will most likely spend the following week there and celebrate New Year's with them as well. It should be much fun. The entire purpose of this post was really to get down to the point that I made some pumpkin muffins, but I didn't want to just come out and say GUESS WHAT I MADE MUFFINS.

I made pumpkin muffins, GUYS! And they're DAMNED GOOD!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

 What can one do?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Old Emails

Just a quickie, but a rant about myself again, and how much I hate who I used to be. Like, what the *EXPLICIT* was this?!?!?! READ THIS, AND LAUGH, I ENCOURAGE MUCH LAUGHER.

This was an old email from me to someone I'm sure you can guess, dated 3/2/2007...hah.

This is like an oxymoron, but if I'm not what you call 'normal' next week, at all. I'll just say right now, tonight has been the worst night of my life. No exceptions. Tonight is the worst night I've ever had ever. I just don't...don't expect me normal. You'll know why eventually. Just so you know, this isn't the normal, "So what's bugging you?" This is something that might change my life forever. I'm just giving you the heads up.

I don't know whether to cry, be happy, or be angry. I'm trying to stay emotionless.

What the hell was wrong with me?! Again, I laugh. How pathetic.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


It was brought to my attention a few days ago that my views are one of an extreme leftist. To that person I ask:
-- Really? Am I really that far left? Because, ya know, I beg to differ. It's simple, really...

  1. I fully stand by President George W. Bush, not only out of respect but out of praise. Do I think he's been a good president? Yes. I'm the minority in that statistic, and I'm fully aware. We are in a misguided war with previously good intentions. Though most would argue the War in Iraq is a war for oil control, I would starkly disagree. I believe that is a reasonable conclusion, however it must be kept in mind that though President Bush is the leader of this fine country, he is not the end-all be-all power. We all must also keep in mind that through this American public, no one holds more power than we the people. We have the right of protest, and protest is heard in this country by those that govern. What if protest isn't heard? Well that's when we elect a new President, such as Former Senator Barack Obama. Barack signifies a way out of this war that I, too, believe is long overdue, however now out of spite for Mr. Bush. I believe he was a great president. 
  2. This economic crisis is easily blamed on republicans, nominally The failures of George W. Bush. May I ask you, what can a president do to regulate a market? We're all quick to find a scapegoat, but this country was based on Laissez-Faire economics, a far cry from imposed British Mercantilism. President Bush handled himself as he should. Stone-Age old laws "governing" economics aren't the fault of President Bush. Just because it went wrong on his watch doesn't make him the evil-doer. 
  3. Maybe this is one of my more conservative views. I oppose an amendment to the marriage laws (as does Barack Obama) and I'm extremely pro-life, whether or not you like it. That's why Bush was my man over both Gore AND Kerry. My only crisicism? Failure to advance on the Global Warming crisis, but McCain AND Obama BOTH had that covered for me.
Obama was my man this election, but I'm no Democrat, and I'm no Republican. I'm what you call a noncommital.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hear ye

Just a quickie - I just read an article of Taylor Swift complaining about her relationship with one of the Jonas brothers and then she continues on to say she's moved on. I don't care about the people in this article, but for anyone that has been separated for this long, shut up, stop moaning, and move on. I did it, so can you. Shouldn't have even taken me the time it did. It's not worth moping.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sonnet 130 - A Response

I had to read sonnet 130 for ELA and write a response about it, and here is what I was able to fashion out of it.

     Shakespeare wrote Sonnet 130 expressing an opinion few wrote about in his time. His first three quatrains are of a dame, known today as the Dark Lady, aptly named so out of her dun complexion. Love today is rarely idealized, in my opinion. Shakespeare describes women as having hair of wire (golden wire) while his mistress has black, dull hair. Simply this shows that truly, his love is blind.
     Courtly love was an extremely idealistic form of love. Woman were often regarded as strong spiritual forces in a relationship. They often married young so as to have a companion during their "prime" years. After teens, a woman not in the perfect relationship was discounted. Woman were said to have been married and kept chiefly due to their appearance. Shakespeare's words speak the opposite.
     Shakespeare's words ring very true to me. Physical attraction may be a cornerstone to inviting a love interest, but once you trust love a person, a certain part of you never ceases. Romantic love is an ineffable sensation rarely felt. Simply recognized, it's a driving force that makes life so wondrous that renound authors authors write about it to express and solve this inscrutable riddle.


Monday, November 10, 2008


I really wanted to continue on the theme of unity from my last blog post, but I wasn't sure quite how - so I decided it's a good idea to extend it into not just national unity, but global unity. Pictures speak volumes, so perhaps it's better of me to keep it short, sweet, and to the point, and show you a video from the overseas country of Australia, where a viewing party watched on full of some American voters, as well as native Australians. It's amazing how one man can do more than bring a nation together -- he brought the world to one warm embrace. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hello World

Hey there friends.What's new? Haven't heard from my usual blog-followers in a while. Anyone wanna give me a shout out? I've been here editing video, and I'm about to go to sleep. I'm so exhausted after a great day in the city filming the Challenge competition. I would post the results here, but the group is under a Non Disclosure Agreement and I can't take any chances online. Ask me about it. I didn't have very many pictures, so I put together a collage of the day's events.

In other news, Ms. Sciarra decided to don the Wildcat mascot suit, and parade around like a nut. It landed her a spot on the channel 12 news tonight. The show will be airing December 20th & 21st at 6:30P and 9:30P. Be sure to catch us all on TV! Best part is, this isn't my only class trip this year! WOOOOOOOOOOOOH.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


You guys will like this... http://www.cnnbcvideo.com/?nid=TMHWSZ6KhEhiIHQSK5w99TEwMzU2Nzgz&referred_by=14356385-kCw_wpx

Monday, November 3, 2008

On the Eve of Greatness

Tomorrow millions of Americans will vote, in addition to the millions that have voted already. Early voting numbers have shattered records. Why such the fuss? I'm sure you know exactly why. This election, one way or another, is going to be groundbreaking. We will either have a female Vice President or an African American president. It's going to be a great day for us Americans and our strive towards ethic perfection. As Americans, the world looks onto us. We are the major power in the world today, and one of the richest per capita. We are often the home of human ingenuity and design, and the American workforce is par none. Technology has become an integral and mandatory part of society for each and every one of us. However, through the greats, America is at quite a low, as is most of the world today. We are pouring billions of dollars into two mismanaged wars, and are in the middle of one of the greatest economic crises in our history. Though it's taken this, we Americans have learned the error of our ways, and try day in and day out to correct them without second thought. In America, good isn't good enough. In fact, nothing for us is good enough. We constantly demand more of everyone. Perhaps it's this that gives the American culture unfavorable views among certain other countries. We are uptight, and expect things to get done when we ask for them, and not a day later. Well, I think you could speak just as well as I when I say that when things don't get done on time, well let's just say we freak out.
     It's funny, I just wrote an entire paragraph summarizing the American culture and none of you questioned my reasoning. American CULTURE? When have you ever heard of THAT before? I beg the question, why are we so prone and eager to denoting ourselves to some extraneous background? Why can't we just say that we are Americans? Americans come in all flavors, colors, sizes and minds. This is what makes our culture so great. None are as diverse as we are. My words may seem paradoxical to some, but just think - our differences unite us. We work daily as a nation, together. This is most evident in times of need. When September 11th, 2001 reared it's morose head and the ashes settled, through the rubble and wreckage stood a society. We the people stood together as one, determined to defend ourselves and the attack that equally affected all of us on that heinous day. In August of 2003, there was a large blackout that affected 40 million Americans, (but don't forget the 10 million Canadians, eh?) The last time there was a major blackout (be it 1977) there was major looting. New York City was brought to its knees as men women and children raided shops and broke windows, but what's one to expect of such a materialistic society? Well, in 2003, men, women, and children roamed the streets hand in hand, gazing at the stars. They were amazed by the stars in the sky, as in New York City, the only stars in the sky are those after three or four shots. All roamed looking upward and smiling. Darkness in the city that never sleeps. We were together. It was a beautiful thing.
     Maybe that's why many others can't stand us Americans. All too rarely do we actually unite without a cause. Though I do think it is a flaw in our society, I don't believe that it takes a catastrophe to get us together. In 2004, few people had ever heard the name Barack Obama, nor how to pronounce it. After a rousing speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention, he became known. Barack Obama is the Junior Senator from Illinois. He's born of a Muslim Kenyan father, and to a Caucasian mother. I'm not sure about yourself, but I've yet to hear Senator Obama classify himself as a race other than American. Possibly it's out of his self-proclaimed inability to do so. Without being stereotypical, it's not common for a boy to be born of ancestries that inhabit opposite sides of the earth. Out of poverty and a very rough childhood without ever really knowing his father, Barack Obama has risen in America as one of the most amazing figures to grace America with their intellect. Barack Obama is the true American, one who comes out of trouble and times that would bring about negativity and hopelessness. Barack Obama and his supportive family never caved in to those feelings, regardless of how poor conditions were. This man by the name of Barack Obama has spoken to us in a time of undeniable need for change and reconciliation. My fellow Americans, there is no denying that this country is at one of its most polar points in history. I see whites hating blacks, blacks hating whites, slurs and negative epithets flying through the air daily, and it makes me sick. Can't we all just say we are Americans? I am a Puerto Rican American, one with origins to Europe as the majority of this nation, but should that really matter? Where we are from tells nothing of us. Who's to say all blacks are African, and to say all whites are European? Who are you to classify and degrade another culture, when you don't understand them? We the people must unite, and not just out of cause. We must unite as a nation. Let us show others around the world that we can accept each other, and moreover embrace one another. Our differences are what make us so great, so why put them down or try to hide them? Why should we resort to the mistakes of our ancestors, and  apply unfair racial thoughts to certain people just because of how they dress? America, we need to one day move beyond the fact that those wearing turbans or hijabs aren't terrorists. So what if we were attacked by men from that culture? Mind you, we were attacked by one of our own in the 2001 Anthrax attacks, which killed many. A government scientist by the name of Bruce Edwards Ivins was suspected. When informed of this, he committed suicide. Does that mean we should fear ourselves?
     Just as catastrophes have done, should great do. Let us unite, and not only under the bad. Barack Obama has united many cultures of this nation in a way that few have before. Barack Obama is the true American hero, showing how great we can be as a culture, not just a generalized group of distinct segregated societies. Hope to one day us being a single culture that lives the American way. Through good and bad, we will be more successful together. In these trials we face, may we be more strongly linked than ever before, and may this link never waver, all while remembering, if gold was to rust, what then would iron do?

Friday, October 31, 2008

My full predictions - Updated

This is how I think this election is going to shape up, everything counted down to the very last electoral vote.

This list is based upon several polls publicized by CNN, and is updated as of 11/3
  • Alabama - McCain, 9EV's
  • Alaska - McCain, 3EV's (Land of Palin)
  • Arizona - McCain, 10EV's (Land of McCain)
  • Arkansas - McCain, 6EV's
  • California - Obama, 55EV's
  • Colorado - Obama, 9EV's
  • Connecticut - Obama, 7EV's
  • Delaware - Obama, 3EV's (Represented by Biden)
  • Florida - Obama, 27EV's
  • Georgia - McCain, 15EV's
  • Hawaii - Obama, 4EV's (Land of Obama)
  • Idaho - McCain, 4EV's
  • Illinois - Obama, 21EV's (Represented by Obama)
  • Indiana - McCain,* - 11EV's
  • Iowa - Obama, 7EV's
  • Kansas - McCain, 6EV's
  • Kentucky - McCain 8EV's
  • Louisiana - McCain 9EV's
  • Maine - Obama, 4EV's, McCain 0EV's (Winner does NOT necessarily take all in this state.)
  • Maryland - Obama, 10EV's
  • Massachusetts - Obama, 12EV's
  • Michigan - Obama, 17EV's
  • Minnesota - Obama, 10EV's
  • Mississippi - McCain, 11EV's
  • Missouri - McCain,* 11EV's
  • Montana - McCain, 3 EV's
  • Nebraska - McCain, 5EV's
  • Nevada - Obama, 5EV's
  • New Hampshire - Obama, 4EV's
  • New Jersey - Obama, 15EV's
  • New Mexico - Obama, 5EV's
  • New York - Obama, 31EV's
  • North Carolina - Obama McCain, 15EV's
  • North Dakota - Obama, 3EV's
  • Ohio - Obama, 20EV's
  • Oklahoma - McCain, 7EV's
  • Oregon - Obama, 7EV's
  • Pennsylvania - Obama, 21EV's (Land of Biden)
  • Rhode Island - Obama, 4EV's
  • South Carolina - McCain, 8EV's
  • South Dakota - McCain, 3EV's
  • Tennessee - McCain, 11EV's
  • Texas - McCain, 34EV's
  • Utah, McCain, 5EV's
  • Vermont - Obama, 3EV's
  • Virginia - Obama, 13EV's
  • Washington - Obama, 11EV's
  • West Virginia - McCain, 5EV's
  • Wisconsin - Obama, 10EV's
  • Wyoming, McCain, 3EV's
Conclusion: Barack Obama wins decisive victory, nearly 2:1 over John McCain. Never did I think it would be this close, but after checking the polls and doing the math, it's...
McCain: 182 217
Obama: 356  321
Update 11/3, NC to McCain; race is tightening greatly.
States with an asterisk (*) are WAY too close for any human being to call, and I went simply on past voting tradition and a hunch.
States in bold and underlined are large wins. This is my prediction, and I may amend it up to this Monday, November 3rd. Let's see how close I am!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Politics % World Series - Part II

Barack's "infomercial" was sensational and awe-inspiring, along with his live speech at the end. I guess this is where I bust through and confirm what everyone has known about me for a very long time.

I endorse Barack Obama for president.

As for the Series, the Rays pitching is sucking it up. I want them to win, but with 3 offensive outs left for them, I don't know that they could do it. Congratulations 2008 Phillies, World Series Champions.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

White percipitate

En hiver, IL NEIGE! We all know it's snowing, and I love the snow. I just don't want to hear a million people scream "IT'S SNOWING!" about an hour after it began. We all know. Haha.

One day I don't want snow - day after Christmas. I'm very busy heading out to Long Island. Snow is something I could well do without.

Au revoir!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Why So Dramatic?

High School coincides with drama, I don't think anyone would argue that point. The Harvest Queen is coming up, and I'm not going to be able to attend, which has me saddened but hey, it could be worse. After all, I'm taking a trip with the OCAL team to Manhattan that day, so it should be fun either way. I just want to get out my disdain for those that bring drama unto themselves. I don't know too many of you people, because I tend to disassociate myself after a while, but I do know enough to ruin a good day, so let's all be happy, shall we? At this dance I don't want to see you crying because so-and-so doesn't want to dance, or so-and-so won't go with you. Suck it up. So what if they won't dance. It's not the end of the world, and you'll get over it. Their loss, they're missing out. So let's collectively take a deep breath and exhale. Loosen up. Things will be just fine. Just gotta get over it first. Few things are worth your tears.

Hmm...that came out a little spiritual. Haha, sorry.

Friday, October 24, 2008


I was thinking before about how much different this campaign would have been if Hillary Clinton had won, and a few things came to mind...

  1. Palin would have likely not have been McCain's running mate.
  2. I honestly believe McCain might have a slight edge in polls.
  3. There would be no gaffe meter for Biden, but there would be one for Bill Clinton.
  4. Democratic campaign speeches would have been circuitous and twice as long.
  5. The words, "It's time for a female president!" would have resonated throughout America.
  6. I would have endorsed John McCain.
  7. I would have been extremely disappointed with the people running in this election.
  8. I would wear a button that said "Rausch-Moreno '08."
  9. I wouldn't have written up this blog post.
The list goes on forever, but I think you get the point. I detest Hillary Clinton, and will never support her as president. Thank God I don't have to.


Looks like Biden isn't the only one that gaffes from time to time. Check this clip from Palin.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

World Series and Politics

The candidates united last night to deliver a very special prologue to the World Series, which was all about how through thick and thin, baseball has always managed to bring a nation together, with no better example than 9/11. This resonates now more than ever being the financial crisis that we are all in. The video is posted on here, and it's really nice, I think. In other news, ALL OF US WON A FREE PRIZE.  (And I'm not kidding.)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Birthdays & Disconnect

Beginning with Chiara, the "Birthday Season" for my friends and family has begun.

  1. Chiara
  2. Mom's Mother
  3. Father's Mother
  4. Jess
  5. Cousin Jackie/Aunt Michelle
  6. Mom's Father
  7. Father
  8. Uncle Billy - Last birthday in 2008
  9. Aunt Monica - 1/1
  10. Step-Father
  11. Jess/Max
  12. Uncle Dan
  13. Meghan
  14. Kerianne
  15. Sam/Christian 
  16. Yours Truly
  17. Martinez
  18. Cristina M
  19. Michelle G/Mom 3/19
That's a hell of a birthday list. I gotta get a job so I can buy gifts for all of these people. Oh, right, that's why I'm staying in LI for the summer.

-Hey guys, due to scheduling issues, etc I've been feeling a bit of disconnect with a few of you. Wanna hang out? I'm already planning something with Michelle and Caitlin, Greg, James, and maybe Meghan for the weekend of the Fourth.

-I'm pro life
-I do not support an amendment to legal marriage definition, but DO support civil unions
-I believe it's time to abdicate Iraq
-I think we need alternative energy within 10 years
-I think we're facing a huge financial crisis
-I also think getting a student loan just might possibly help me with college, so let's be forward thinking, yes?

I'd vote Barack.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Popular - Nada Surf

Hey guys. These lyrics aren't intended to insinuate anything, I just want you guys to read them. They're not meant to be taken literally. for anyone who hasn't heard the song, the video clip is right below. It's a very condescending and sarcastic song, but it's my favorite.

Three important rules for breaking up
Don't put off breaking up when you know you want to
Prolonging the situation only makes it worse
Tell him honestly, simply, kindly, but firmly
Don't make a big production
Don't make up an elaborate story
This will help you avoid a big tear jerking scene
If you wanna date other people say so
Be prepared for the boy to feel hurt and rejected
Even if you've gone together for only a short time,
And haven't been too serious,
There's still a feeling of rejection
When someone says she prefers the company of others
To your exclusive company,
But if you're honest, and direct,
And avoid making a flowery emotional speech when you brake the news,
The boy will respect you for your frankness,
And honestly he'll appreciate the kind of straight forward manner
In which you told him your decision
Unless he's a real jerk or a cry baby you'll remain friends

I'm head of the class
I'm popular
I'm a quarter back
I'm popular
My mom says I'm a catch
I'm popular
I'm never last picked
I got a cheerleader chick

Being attractive is the most important thing there is
If you wanna catch the biggest fish in your pond
You have to be as attractive as possible
Make sure to keep your hair spotless and clean
Wash it at least every two weeks
Once every two weeks
And if you see Johnny football hero in the hall
Tell him he played a great game
Tell him you like his article in the newspaper

I'm the party star
I'm popular
I've got my own car
I'm popular
I'll never get caught
I'm popular
I make football bets.
I'm a teachers pet

I propose we support a one month limit on going steady
I think It will keep people more able to deal with weird situations
And get to know more people
I think if you're ready to go out with Johnny
Now's the time to tell him about your one month limit
He wont mind he'll appreciate your fresh look on dating
And once you've dated someone else you can date him again
I'm sure he'll like it
Everyone will appreciate it
You so novel what a good idea
You can keep you time to your self
You don't need date insurance
You can go out with whoever you want to
Every boy, every boy, in the whole world could be yours
If you'll just listen to my plan

I'm head of the class
I'm popular
I'm a quarter back
I'm popular
My mom says I'm a catch
I'm popular
I'm never last picked
I'm a cheerleader chick

I'm the party star
I'm popular
I've got my own car
I'm popular
I'll never get caught
I'm popular
I'm a teachers pet
I make football bets.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


So I was messing with this electoral vote counter on CNN.com that shows all states and their poll numbers and amount of electoral votes blah blah blah. Well, you should mess with it, and see, depending on who gets what states, who wins. 


I gave McCain all swing states, and gave Obama poll numbers that favor him by more than 4 points, and Obama was put over the 270 winning threshold, 272 to 266 (McCain). Not that close, to be quite honest, considering I gave McCain all swing states, which most likely will NOT happen.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My stances

Some of you guys assume where I stand. Actually, everyone does. I just think many of you are wrong, so here is where I stand:

  • I was once a Republican...now I'm not. But I don't call myself a Democrat, either.
  • I am pro-life, and adamant AGAINST amending marriage to consist of homosexual couples, as well. Civil unions are fine. Don't accuse me of hating gays...I have a couple in my family.
  • I don't hate members of any party, no mater how radical they may be. Their insight helps everyone.
  • I was for the War in Iraq before I understood it.
  • I support the War in Afghanistan, to an extent.
  • I do not see the Bush Administration as successful, but I do believe there has been worse.
  • If there's one politician I can't stand, it's Hillary Clinton, and that's putting aside all personal prejudices.
  • I find Sarah Palin to be extremely naive, and needing of a good slapping
    • However, I don't personally dislike her other than her views and style of campaign.
  • I may absolutely disagree with every word that comes out of your mouth, and you'll most certainly know I do, but I'll respect you and defend every word you say.
  • What's by largest tick? Narrow-minded radicals that get frustrated easily.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Crushed by the Elephant

-In this post, I have a few controversial and probably way off line opinions I state, so if you're politicallysensitive or easily frustrated and unable to "agree to disagree" like Mark J, then please don't read this. I don't mind debating, but I don't feel like being thrashed or arguing.
     Alrighty, here we go. In these past days a new major problem has hit center stage. The Dow Jones has lost about 22% in 8 trading days, which is the worst the Dow has ever seen in it's history. The final day of a very painful week came in roller-coaster fashion. Shortly after opening, the Dow plunged to -697, and was turbulent all day long, up and down. It hit it's highest point at about +322, at which time the traders on the floor broke out into spontaneous cheer. That's an unprecedented swing of over 1000pts. That shows this economy is one ruled by fear. If one fears a bank will close, through mass hysteria (and just how humans are) we collectively panic, and everyone with a right mind sells whatever part of thaqt company that they own so that their investments in that company don't go to waste. The more that sell, the lower the price of a "share" in that company goes. It follows the laws of supply and demand. Less demand, lower price, right? The idea of a stock market crash is considered a self-fulfilling prophecy. The worse the stock market does, the more people try to sell their stock. The more that sell, the lower the stocks go. 
This crisis has reached a fever pitch among voters. It's taken place of the War in Iraq as the most important issue, and accordingly, has become the most talked about issue among both major candidates. This came after a week where traders were broken, the the stock market of Russia was shut down for one day after a loss of 19%. Rules are in place for the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) to halt trading for one hour if the market ever falls 10% below during the course of a trading day. If you do the math, it's easy to see that this is more likely to happen now than it was just one year ago. This time last year, the NYSE had an average point value of 14,000. A 10% loss would have required a point loss of 1400 in one day. Not an easy thing to do. Today? It takes but 860 points, a number we've come within 50 points of hitting. Through the crisis, both presidential campaigns have sought to spin their plans to Americans and convince them that their plan is better. Naturally, though this isn't necessarily a belief of mine, because John McCain is more easily tied to George W. Bush and his purported economic policy failures, John McCain suffers in a time like this. People turn to him asking what he has to offer, but then ignore the "meat and potatoes" of his plan, as he is a republican. There it is, guilty by association. In general, people turn to Obama's economic plans, which include taxing companies that outsource American labor and providing tax cuts to Americans earning <$250000/yr. However, if you really look into McCain's plan, it attempts to accomplish many of the same things, with the exception of the tax bracket based tax cut. It instead proposes tax cuts across the board, with cuts in spending, as the Obama plan intends as well. This brings me to my point -- I agree with many ideals that McCain does, as well. My largest criticism of the Obama camp is the legalization of abortion (EXCEPT in the event that the mother's life is in danger, or other extenuating circumstances. My largest criticism of the McCain camp is their plan on the War in Iraq. We need out. You can't defeat a religion (radical Islam) and it's costing us way too much. I wouldn't consider this a loss, we've just bitten off well more than we can chew. I strongly oppose an immediate withdrawal as Obama once proposed. Leaving the country within 60 days of his inauguration would be devastating. Let's give it a little longer. Other than that, I can't immediately point out where I hate the McCain camp. Until you get to Sarah Palin. I've never seen a more "mavericky" hockey mom. I still scratch my head wondering what the hell McCain was thinking when he picked this monster. She doesn't believe in global warming, which, sorry Kerianne, but is a major strike to me, and she echoes the words, "drill baby drill" without a mention of alternative energy. Even MCCAIN has alternative energy plans. In my opinion, Palin is one of the major strikes on the McCain ticket. It's my firm belief though, that picking Palin as his running mate, was a way that McCain showed a major weakness. Palin is the personified right-wing radical. McCain is not. McCain is one of the most moderate members of the senate that still designates himself a republican. McCain only holds true to the "republican" ideals of no gay marriage (but he fully supports gay rights like a married couple, and, in case you didn't know, Obama feels the same) and he is adamant against abortion except under certain health circumstances I mentioned before, such as health. McCain isn't as conservative as many think, which brings me to the title. McCain was crushed by the elephant. The republican elephant. I believe his choice in Sarah Palin exhibits this clearly. He wasn't strong enough to revolutionize the face of the party by stamping on his ideals, and instead caved in in picking a radical such as Palin. This might have been in an ill-advised attempt to gain Clinton's patrons, but obviously is hasn't worked, and McCain awakes today against a poll deficit of about 10 points. Perhaps it's just the category that has done McCain in up to now. 
Many of you probably think I'm an absolute moron. Let's not argue, but please, I'm really interested to know what you all have to think about the topic. Please comment.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


My comme-si comme-sa day just got really good. I don't think you guys care, but here's why:

I was browsing through the school news paper when "OCTOBER IN ALBUM RELEASES" caught my attention...so I anxiously glance down the list. BIG BANDS, BABY.

  • Oasis - Dig Out Your Soul 10/6
  • Rise Against - Appeal to Reason TODAY!!!!
  • AC/DC - Black Ice 10/20
  • Bloc Party - Intimacy* 10/28
  • Snow Patrol - A Hundred Million Stars - 10/28

WOOOHHHH!!! There were a few other bands/artists but I don't care for them. WOOH, BLOC PARTY. This month suddenly got awesome for me.

Oh my god, that's FANTASTIC!

Merritt is definitely funny. Mean, cynical, but I enjoy his class. First thing in the morning - I thought it would be a terror, but it's not, it's a blessing, I swear. Now, I don't keep Merritt quote books, but I have a few funny things he's said scribbled around my notes, like, "Innotation. When you speak French, your voices rises and...what? Your voices rises? What the heck are you, schizo? *Proceeds to speak English while rapidly swinging the emphasis of his voice upward and downwards* We have clinics for people like you."

Vicky is coming to my French tomorrow to just hang out with me and Merritt. Cool. Yeah. Thought so. I should probably get going. Something needs tending to.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Go here, it'll make you pee.


Well, just a few days in and I already violated the NaBloPoMo rules. How wonderful! I guess I'm just not meant to be a daily blogger. (I never was in the first place.) Just because I don't blog daily doesn't mean I can't have riveting blog posts...but, let's not get ahead of ourselves, I'm not a riveting writer either way. I wanted to make a few comments about this last debate, and I really do encourage you guys to comment back with your views even if you think I'm so far off base that I should be thrown in a sewer.

My Thoughts
  • Biden and Palin both spoke extremely well, and to be honest without sounding sexist, Palin did much better than I believed the would. Bravo!
  • Palin seemed just slightly more composed and "in the game" than did Biden.
  • Many questions were asked of the candidates witch neither of them would answer, but I found Palin to avoid more questions, preferring to speak about the war. 
  • Though Biden was seemingly less presentable, he knew Obama's policy like no other, and gave definitive and striking answers, unlike the majority of Palin's. She seemed to give the old "walk about" when it came to deep policy questions. When asked how we should fix this financial crisis, she didn't touch once on policy, instead saying that the American people should unite and proclaim, "Never again." Sorry, but I can scream "Never again" at the TV all day long. The stocks STILL go down.
  • Palin related nearly every response to her work in Alaska, which for the most part was acceptable. She showed her experience and doings, but this only goes for the first 2 responses. Governor Palin, we have 49 other states in this great nation. This is NOT Ruslaska country.
  • Biden was mistaken on many issues. I think his boxers were too tight.
  • But, to be fair, so was Palin. You can check factcheck.org if you don't believe me.
I know this election isn't even here yet, but get ready. 2038, JONAS JONAS.
Elise Jonas, that is.

XXXXXXXX (8:41:26 PM): waiting on my dreams, the color of your smile

Thursday, October 2, 2008


O hai, welkum to mythbusters!

-I'll explain that in another post, maybe, (I know Nicole understands that) but trust me, it does serve a purpose. Hey guys. Whatsup? I just wanted to blog and fulfill my NaBloPoMo duties for the day, by saying that I realized today the Obama Camp released an Obama Application for the iPod Touch and iPhone, and it's really cool, you can look through his stances on nearly every conceivable aspect of society. It's pretty odd how far along technology has come. It's even more peculiar how when one candidate says they don't know how to email, an entire country collectively shudders at the thought of being more in-tune with technology than arguably the most powerful man on the planet. That said, I noticed through Google Analytics that there are many newcomers to my site these couple days! That's probably due to my blogroll registation on nablopomo.ning.com. Thanks for coming, and please don't forget to vote in my presidential poll to your LEFT


Thank You!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

High Tide & Green Grass

Green grass and high tide forever - ba-dum-ba-dum-pa-dum!

Hey guys! What's up? You know how my day was? It was horrible. It started with birds sitting on a lightpole above me pooping, and ended with me, well, just tired. But it's okay.

I'm better now.

And that's todays weather forecast!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sex on Fire

What's up guys? I haven't heard much from any of you. Depressing, isn't it? How's high school goin for the rest of ya? I'm pretty happy with my year thus far. Thank goodness tomorrow is Rosh Hashana, I was dying for a day off. My uncle calls the holy day "Rusha Homa" with the ingenious explanation that followers rush home before sundown on this day. Funny, I know. I wonder what he calls Yom Kippur. I don't know where the heck it's coming from, but Math B this year seems so much easier than it was last year, I'm pulling hundreds left and right, and it's not only me. It's the entire class. It's all good, better that than the grades I was pulling last year in Math B. WELCOME TO MATH B. Mr. Mark began throwing rocks at my grades. Speaking of rocks, did any of you other people get Mr. Folino's hilarious explanation for how dodge ball came about? It's great.

(Folino) "The tradition all started back in ancient Greece. You see, they would punish the criminals by lining them up against a wall looking straight out at one man. This man would hurl rocks at their heads, heavy rocks, and they would die. However, it was one special day when one Greek decided to do something known as dodge." (Coach V) "Hey hey, wait a second here, it was NOT dodge, okay? It's called evasive maneuvers, right coach?" (Folino) "Yeah, that's what I meant to say, it was just evasive maneuvers, was all. Well, eventually all of the Greeks would do it, until they could no longer do away with the criminals. They were then either tied or drowned, but that's another story entirely."

I love how they completely evade calling the game Dodge Ball. No, it's Territory Ball, get it straight.

As for my other classes, I'm doing well in pretty much all of them. English 10H is an unbelievable amount of work. I know you HA kids have been doing essays, but try balancing this, all at once.

  1. Beowulf movie, notetaking, essay writing, test eventually.
  2. Beowulf BOOK, project, (for me, a newspaper article of no less than 2 typed pages in length, 2 columns) essay outline Wednesday, test Friday.
  3. Individual reading book, certain amount to be completed nightly. Weekly quizzes. (Which are, by the way, essays.)
  4. Other work (sometimes unnecessary grammar) in between with quizzes and other HW.
This isn't like one thing per night. It's all four, and it's left me with hours of homework, but I'm hopeful the deluge will end soon.

French is going well, and yes, I've realized Mr. Merritt is one arrogant ass. I like him though. Biting sarcasm and a way of mocking people that could leave some crying...but me personally, it doesn't offend me, I'm indifferent. I find it rather funny, though I do definitely see why it would upset most people. Me and about four others in my class are on his good side, and that's because, as he says, we speak French well. I'm dreading the day he decides to go militant style on us. 'Til then, we can only wait. More stories to come, enjoy the day off! Thanks for reading! 


Song change probably coming soon. Any suggestions?

Sunday, September 28, 2008


My ipod flung up quite an interesting screen at me today...and it caught me well off-guard. Have a look.

Monday, September 22, 2008

On a Binge

"Uh oh, there she goes again, Maria, Marc-Anthony, Jackie's binging."

That was the cry my uncle let out whenever my cousin went on one of her binges. She's unlike any other girl I've seen when it comes to cravings and binges...she literally can clear a kitchen in 2 hours. One day she was binging, we baked 2 sets of brownies, a chocolate cake, cran-orange bread, and corn muffins. Oh, and some dark chocolate chip cookies. That, among other things. The last day I was there, I saw her go through 2 tubs of ice cream, (she'd mix chocolate with raspberry, and I tried it, you need to try it) a bag of cinnamon sugar pita chips I bought her, and half a bag of popcorn. (She burned the other half beyond recognition.) How's life? Mine? Mine is...suprisingly good. Really good. For me, things just seem to be going right lately. I like my teachers, I'm not having too difficult of a time with the workload I have, and I like my friends, a lot. I do wish that I could see my other ones more, but I'll see them outside of school, I'm sure. Speaking of which, I've been meaning to drop Chiara a call, but time always escapes me! There are a couple new sophomores, have you noticed them? Rachel (from St. Steven's) and Taylor (Tyler?) from Massachusettes. 
OK gang, I'm off to help Meghan choose a myspace layout and look at some pictures. 
Chum borgen.

Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace

Well said, Captain.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Never thought I'd see the day

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Reminisce, or maybe not.

You guys remember 9th grade? How 'bout middle school? Why the heck did I ask you that, of course you do. Why? It was dramatic. All four years. You know what this year has been for me so far? So lacking of drama, it's almost dry. But I like it dry. Dry and spicy. So anyway, How's your year going for you so far? Mines pretty good, and it's rough to say, but it's much drier when a certain someone isn't around. This certain someone seems to bring with them a sweeping wave of drama and worthless tears. You know who I'm talking about? Yeah. You do. Well today a fight broke out between her and a friend of mine...and it wasn't a normal private fight. It was broadcast to me and 15 other recipients in a chain email. Oh, and it was ABOUT me. So I had to help quench the flames. That's really the first bit of drama I've had to deal with, and I like it that way. Dry. Not like dry humor. Like no drama from Burke students, please. None from WVHS either. That'd be a PERFECT world, wouldn't it?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hmm...Hard Hats, Anyone?

Ever had a day that starts off in a huge spike, and then crumbles, and finally collapses through the day? That's the kind of say I'm having today. After a debacle with the grandparents which I regret, but will not apologize for (she accused me of saying something I most certainly did NOT.) I'm tired of today. I'm tired of the people at school. I'm tired of life. 

Let's retire.


Today....I don't have words for today. For all that I was snappy to, I'm sorry, off day indeed. But here is my day, more perfectly explained...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Palin on SNL....sorta.

You might like watching this...have some humor, this isn't an attack...

Palin + Hillary. Personified.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Baseball, Family, and Chocolate

I've just been sitting around (didn't go to the homecoming game....I intended to) with my family watching baseball today. It's a long day of baseball, with some 4 double headers, and 2 more tomorrow. I just stepped out to CVS, and I saw this new Starbucks Chocolate, in a Dark & Mocha Dark selections...so I took the Mocha Dark, $3, harmless enough.

I was wrong. It's not harmless. It's addicting, just like everything else Starbucks makes. I was supposed to go out today, but I ended up not g
oing anywhere, and now I'm deprived of all homecoming activities, sadly. I really wanted to go. How do I feel about it? Upset, but I don't really care. I'm with family, baseball, and I have chocolate. What's not to love? 
Let me know how it all was, you guys, especially the band ones.
Today I found out how God intended chocolate to taste.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In Repose

First, to start on a slightly prophetic and off-task note, here's this: Sometimes parents ask the world of you, and you want to do nothing but to give it to them. One or two things though may remain impossible of you to do. Sometimes parents expect this of you, and when you don't deliver, they cut off your head and expect you to like it, knowing full well that they can't accomplish what they've asked, either. I'm an almost __ year-old male, not a miracle worker, mom.

That said, here's the meat...or the 'asparagus' for my vegetarian readers.
But seven years ago, America was shocked. I was but in __ grade here in Warwick. I went home and was mesmerized by the events that had transpired. In an instant, over 4,200 people had perished, all within minutes of each other. America was shocked. The world was shocked. Today we Americans turn our heads to the flag, and remember those that lost their lives on that fateful day, and mourn. Not only do we mourn, but we celebrate their lives, and the good that's come from it, and how we've added to this great society. Today, black, white, Asian or Arab, we Americans stand shoulder to shoulder, arm-in-arm as one huge society. Without each other, we are nothing. As put by Benjamin Franklin, "Don't tread on me." May this infamous day never be forgotten.
God Bless the United States of America.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Flop over! FLOP OVER!

I want to start this post by making one thing very clear: CHEMISTRY WITH MR. BISNETT MAKES ME WANT TO FLOP OVER. He's very boring, but to his credit, section 1 of chem is full of things we already know. "Class, do you know what melting means?" I'm sure he's thinking, "Hey, kids, this is no cake walk for me either, so look straight and let's make this fast." All of my teachers are quite nice, but more on that in a later post...Mr. O'Connor is my all time favorite...for this year at least. No one can top the Rausch-Moreno compilation. 

This is just a shout out, really. I didn't leave this blog to die and I don't intend to. I actually found myself planning a future post, for the first week of November, depending on the outcome of the election. It's really just a song I found, I don't spend time writing posts months in advance.  Alright well I'll see you around. Look at my poll to your left! PLEASE ANSWER!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Look ma, no hands!

I don't really have the  most time in the world, but look at what I just did in ROCK BAND!!! 100%, 5 gold starts, baby.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Getting thereee...

I'm almost done fixing up my blog. I'm trying to set up the third column on the right, but if it doesn't work out right, I'll go back to the minimalist design. You guys have been awfully quiet lately (Chiara, Kerianne, Jess, and the people that read this blog other than them). Any reason? Just running around to get what you need for school like me? I hate it. It's officially Labor Day. I hate it, I HATE it! It's 1:50 and I'm getting quite exaughsted, I just figured I'd give just a little update. I didn't disappear yet. I'm struggling with a song called History & The Single Engine Cessna by Pictures in Braille. I really want to put it on my blog, but it's giving me a hard time. For those of you that don't know about Pictures in Braille, they're a band formed in Warwick and they're absolutely excellent. You can find them on iTunes or at www.myspace.com/picturesinbraille . Goodnight

*A prayer for those being affected and displaced by hurricane Gustav.*

Saturday, August 30, 2008


I know this isn't what you expected when you came to my blog today, but please, LET ME EXPLAIN!!! I tried to change the layout to something really nice, but I realized I would have to fix it up first but in the meantime I decided to put another nice one up. Well friends, that one made my blog explode. It got ALL messed up. So, in the meantime, here's this. 

New Look

A "new" look will be here in the coming days, so bear with me with this substituion layout. I was going to keep this one, but the fact that the square to the left of my post titles is showing "undefined" instead of the date, I'm not going to. This layout I'm putting into place requires a little clean up & maintenance as far as it's code goes, so soon, soon, soon.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Barack Obama's Acceptance of the Nomination - As it Happens

The place is BOOMING with excitement - and his intro is going on now. Shown on camera are Michelle Obama and Joe Biden. The intro is a little too longwinded, but what do you expect? This, leading up to possibly the most influential modern politician. Come on, let's get going. (I'm writing and texting Chiara, who's also watching at the same time.) "Yes we can!" chant begins, lasts about 10 seconds. A biography video is being played. It was amazing. Truly inspirational. Now here's Obama, in the midst of the perfect music, atmosphere, and crowd. Is he smiling? Of course. Is he looking on with a big chest? No. He's applauding back. That's big.

  • The stadium is absolutely filled, with people STANDING everywhere. He looks a little taken. He seems to be very emotional and apalled, repeating "Thank you, thank you so much." The applause simply won't end.
  • "I accept your nomination for presidency of the United States." Rousing applause.
  • Screw the numbers, this is amazing.
  • Did you know he is a first generation American, from his father's side? That is TRULY amazing. Living the American Dream, quite literally.
  • "We love this country too much to let the next four years look just like the last eight. On November 4th, we will stand up and say eight is enough." Crowd chants "EIGHT IS ENOUGH!"
  • A little bit of mudslinging going on, but that's given, and it was perfect. "John McCain has voted with President Bush 90% of the time. I don't know what it says about your judgement when you agree with George Bush's opinions 90% of the time. I don't know about you, but I don't want to take a 10% chance on change."
  • It's a big rock Obama threw just now, implying McCain is out of touch, referring to a slip up, where McCain implied he believes a household income of $5 million to be middle class.
  • "I don't know what kind of lives John McCain thinks that celebrities lead, but this has been mine. These are my heroes. Theirs are the stories that shaped me. And it is on their behalf that I intend to win this election and keep our promise alive as president of the United States."
    Barack, you're a genius.
  • "So let me spell out exactly what that change would mean if I am president. Change means a tax code that doesn't reward the lobbyists who wrote it, but the American workers and small businesses who deserve it. Unlike John McCain, I will stop giving tax breaks to corporations that ship jobs overseas, and I will start giving them to companies that create good jobs right here in America. I will eliminate capital gains taxes for the small businesses and the start-ups that will create the high-wage, high-tech jobs of tomorrow. I will cut taxes -- cut taxes -- for 95 percent of all working families. Because in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle-class. And for the sake of our economy, our security, and the future of our planet, I will set a clear goal as president: in 10 years, we will finally end our dependence on oil from the Middle East."
  • "Washington's been talking about our oil addiction for the last 30 years, and John McCain has been there for 26 of them. In that time, he's said no to higher fuel-efficiency standards for cars, no to investments in renewable energy, no to renewable fuels. And today, we import triple the amount of oil as the day that Sen. McCain took office." - He choose the perfect venue and subject to bash McCain on; the experience factor. He seems to be implying that McCain may have been around longer, but that Barack is making smarter decisions ALREADY, if that's what you believe.
  • Barack is promising that all can afford college. Oh hell, he better hold to these promises, for his sake, and for ours. This directly affects US.
  • "And now is the time to keep the promise of equal pay for an equal day's work, because I want my daughters to have exactly the same opportunities as your sons."
  • He has the face of a president, unflinching, stern, and staring his opponents in the face.
  • "John McCain likes to say that he'll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell -- but he won't even go to the cave where he lives." Perfect.
  • "Because one of the things that we have to change in our politics is the idea that people cannot disagree without challenging each other's character and patriotism."
  • "What the naysayers don't understand is that this election has never been about me. It's been about you."

"America, we cannot turn back. We cannot walk alone. We must pledge once more, to march into the future. Let us keep that promise -- that American promise -- and in the words of Scripture hold firmly, without wavering, to the hope that we confess."

-Barack H. Obama

Just like that, it's over. One hour later. It seemed like a few minutes.

Oh, and this is my 200th post.

I thought the roll call was amazing. Sadly, I was mistaken. I hadn't seen anything yet, fireworks and all.

Joe Biden's Speech - As it happens

  • Begins with how he'd always dreamed standing in Mile High Stadium, only with a Denver Bronco. Good sense of humor, +2.
  • Offers tribute to those that risk their lives making ours better. Touches many - +3.
  • Looks EXTREMELY comfortable, +5.
  • Makes very strong and concise point telling the public that Barack and hiself are there to represent the people above all, and names several professions/types of people. Ultimately successful. +6.
  • Short, consise, to the point speech. A rarity in the political arena, and a long ways away from the longwinded Bill Clinton. +3.
  • Though comfortable, he seems to jump in his thoughts a little too much. You could tell the speech was improvised (+2) but he's not all that great at it (-3.) Overall -1.
  • View from the other side - "Yeah. It's just a lot of fluff talk." -3.

Score for Joe Biden = 11 x Length of Obama's speech/7 = Obama didn't speak yet.

More than just a town

Before I get into the meat of my post, (sorry vegetarians, maybe I should say the asparagus of my post) I want you to take a look at Michelles blog, at this post. I'm a fan of How I Met Your Mother, and I'm semi-familiar to Les Mis, so it's all good. I just saw a member of the Eisenhower family give a speech at the Democratic National Convention. Let's repeat that again. I just saw a member of the Eisenhower family give a speech at the Democratic National Convention. Why is this such a problem? This is like a paradox. This is like telling me I need to dry myself off with a hose. It's like telling me to brush my dog with yarn. ITS LIKE TELLING CHIARA TO...actually, idk what, and I don't feel like being mean ;-). She's a republican, as is the family, most notably the grandfather, who was the president. Unity is a beautiful thing, as you can see American flags pumping in the air, in rythm to "YES WE CAN!" and "SI SE PUEDE" (Yes they can - kind of a modified yes we can - it carries the same meaning.) Now Bruce Springsteen songs are blasting. This is something we'll talk about when we're 80. "Where were you when Barack accepted the nomination, in front of a crowd of nearly 100,000?"

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

History & Schedule

Today - We Americans have made history.
                      see how -
                             We most certainly can.