It was brought to my attention a few days ago that my views are one of an extreme leftist. To that person I ask:
-- Really? Am I really that far left? Because, ya know, I beg to differ. It's simple, really...
- I fully stand by President George W. Bush, not only out of respect but out of praise. Do I think he's been a good president? Yes. I'm the minority in that statistic, and I'm fully aware. We are in a misguided war with previously good intentions. Though most would argue the War in Iraq is a war for oil control, I would starkly disagree. I believe that is a reasonable conclusion, however it must be kept in mind that though President Bush is the leader of this fine country, he is not the end-all be-all power. We all must also keep in mind that through this American public, no one holds more power than we the people. We have the right of protest, and protest is heard in this country by those that govern. What if protest isn't heard? Well that's when we elect a new President, such as Former Senator Barack Obama. Barack signifies a way out of this war that I, too, believe is long overdue, however now out of spite for Mr. Bush. I believe he was a great president.
- This economic crisis is easily blamed on republicans, nominally The failures of George W. Bush. May I ask you, what can a president do to regulate a market? We're all quick to find a scapegoat, but this country was based on Laissez-Faire economics, a far cry from imposed British Mercantilism. President Bush handled himself as he should. Stone-Age old laws "governing" economics aren't the fault of President Bush. Just because it went wrong on his watch doesn't make him the evil-doer.
- Maybe this is one of my more conservative views. I oppose an amendment to the marriage laws (as does Barack Obama) and I'm extremely pro-life, whether or not you like it. That's why Bush was my man over both Gore AND Kerry. My only crisicism? Failure to advance on the Global Warming crisis, but McCain AND Obama BOTH had that covered for me.
Obama was my man this election, but I'm no Democrat, and I'm no Republican. I'm what you call a noncommital.
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