Today was a very odd day. It just was, a lot of unexpecteds occurred, and my mind was all over the place. Yes, I definitely do like this person, if you're wondering, but really, ask me if you want to know. I won't be getting detailed here. I do have something to talk to you about though, Jess, so if you get the chance, like now since you're reading this blog, give me a holler please? I just need some advice.
"Anywho," as my grandmother says, I'm pretty indifferent today. I took more picutres. I'm so excited for the Summer and next year, I really can't wait. 16, car, sophomores, oh the hated sophomores. Sophomore actually means "Wise fool." =] Hopefully by then many of the girls in our class would have MATURED some, yes? How about everyone, in general. Well, that's pretty funny, but it is a nice thought. Well I'm off to the shower in a few. I got a phone call. You know, today was all over the place. I had four separate people tell me that they liked me, wanted to throw eggs at someone and a minute later was absolutely fine (bi-polar), and I went from being on the most awesome volleyball team to being massacred by that beastly Taylor who plays volleyball. Alright, tell me here, WHO SCORED SIX POINTS OFF OF ONLY SERVES? She is pretty hot though, so I guess it's okay. Oh, you know you want to be like her. "...and the way she sets up Metzer, its like, 'Hey Ryan, iloveyou'." "No, actually it's more like, 'Hey, Ryan! LEARN HOW TO USE YOUR HANDS I GOT THIS POINT AHHHHHH!!!!" Yes, I talk to John, stop freaking out about it. I also saw him 6 times today.
So, as I said, today's one of those days where music is the prevailing determining factor in my mood. Tomorrow probably will be too. But, again, who am I to make predictions? (Doesn't music throw my mood on EVERY day?)
Off to watch Lost, shower, and maybe some Friday Night Lights. Who knows when I'll get to sleep?)
Please comment, guys. I's what keeps me posting. You know, kinda like the crumbs on coffee cake. Makes me want MORE.

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