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Saturday, December 22, 2007


Yeah, well today I went Christmas shopping for three people. I'm not done shopping for any of them. Well, I bought gifts for two, one of two of their gifts. I found nothing for the third person. So, yeah. I'd say what I got, but I can't. I'll just post something. Chiara, here's the first part of yours. Yours it so nicely done, I'm so proud of myself. Well, yeah, so thats it for now. I got some new shirts, a gift to myself, and like 50 packages are coming to my house next week. Sucsk. Well, one is for me :-D. Can you say Ay-pahd-tu-chh?

Friday, December 21, 2007


Remember the whole Japanese Whale Hunt? Well something worked, for now anyway...

TOKYO (AP) — Japan has suspended its first humpback whale hunt in seas off Antarctica since the 1960s, the government said Friday, backing down in an escalating international battle over the expansion of its hunt.
Well, this is certainly welcome. American's fought the Japanese through this. Turns out that Australia has agreed to send surveillance aircraft to the most popular hunting areas to make sure not a single whale leaves the ocean. I'll be back later. About $600 worth of UPS packages are being delivered to my house tonight.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Just a thought...X

-Deleted- Don't worry about what was here.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day Eight

OBLADI, OBLADA, LIFE GOES ON BRAAAA, LALALALA LIFE GOES ON! Okay, still having a Beatles moment, Kerianne.. Yeah. So....yeah. Well anyway, I don't really want to blog, I just want to sing. Alright, well here you are.

On the eighth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.
8 Maids A-milking refers to the eight beatitudes

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day Seven

.....annnddd the series continuesss... Hello, hello, thank you for stopping by. Okay, let's face it, absolutely no one is reading this, (thanks for the comments, guys) and I'm just a loser that finds this entertaining. Is that really true? Totally. But guess what? Doesn't matter. It's cool. I like it. That's all that counts.As promised, here's my grandmother's mantle, donned for the Christmas season. I have a Christmas gathering at her house, so you'll definitely see more of it then. Heck, maybe even a video or two. Stay tuned folks. On a very light note, I'm really excited for CHRISTMAS! ONE WEEK. JUST ONE WEEK AHHH! Okay. Well that's cool. I'm just over half way done with my Christmas Special!

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Seven swans a-swimming, Six geese a-laying, Five golden rings, Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle doves, And a partridge in a pear tree.

7 Swans A-swimming refers to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments
p.s. to any stupid band nerds that read this blog, I hope all went well tonight! A PLUS PLUS.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day Six

Well, to start it off, I'm about to put a new song, probably the best and most meaningful Christmas song I've ever heard in my life. Well, in a great turn of events, my roller coaster is up, sky high, among the clouds. HAHAHA CHEEEEEZYYYY. Whatever, I'm happy, that's all that matters.Like those ornaments? Yeah, you bet you're jealous.Look at that. It's insanely perfect. I love it. It's my grandma's but mine as far as I'm concerned. Gifts line the tree's trunk, in all sorts of wrapping. Well, not yet. My grandma only wraps with one type of wrapping paper. I love Christmas. Tomorrow I'll post pics of her fireplace. It's amazing. I SMELL CHRISTMAS! On another note, that video is hilarious. It's a Garmin Christmas Ad. You'll be glad you watched it. Oh, look. I made the youtube thing green and red. SO CHRISTMASY.

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Six geese a-laying, Five golden rings, Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle doves, And a partridge in a pear tree.

6 Geese A-laying refers to the six days of creation MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Break it up.

Well it snowed yet again last night. We shouldn't have had school today...just...no.As you can see, that is about a half inch of real, solid ice. Quite a day, I tell ya. Like a roller coaster for me. Sometimes I sit and wish I was back in the Middle School. Sure, I love the high school and the newfound sense of freedom, and likability of the teachers, but Middle School Drama was sooooooo much easier to deal with. It was far less devastating and damaging. But you know what? I'm strong, so I'm going to pick my head up high, and move on.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day Five

I've had quite a rough day today. Something happened that...apparently was inevitable. Does remember this all important lesson: Inevitable doesn't mean lackadaisically tolerable. Well, like she said, look on the bright side: Christmas is almost here. Indeed it is.

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Five golden rings, Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle doves, And a partridge in a pear tree.

5 Golden Rings refers to the first Five Books of the Old Testament, the "Pentateuch", which gives the history of man's fall from grace.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day Four

Sorry to disappoint! I'm a little late. It's really 1:12AM, but I'll backdate this blog to cover my tracks ;-). Well anyway, I had a long party, you see, and I've been chatting on IM since 10. Well here it is, as promised.

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle doves, And a partridge in a pear tree.

4 Calling Birds refers to the Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists My Christmas songs still change every day! Merry Christmas

Friday, December 14, 2007

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day Three

So, I go to get a haircut today, (UGH), and I see my old chorus teacher. What does he say for the fifth time? He's very disappointed in me for not furthering my choral career. He said I have a huge amount of potential and that I could easily be in Meisters. I scoffed. He's veryyyyy funny. So, HEY PEOPLE, AS IN JESS, I'M ALL UP FOR THE MORE ACTIVE BLOG NETWORK....but now you stopped. No fair. Oh, yeah, and in case you didn't know...that's my beautiful girlfriend. ♥ Okay, now the rest of the SONG!

On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Three French hens, Two turtle doves, And a partridge in a pear tree.

3 French Hens refers to Faith, Hope and Charity, the Theological Virtues Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Twelve Days of Chistmas: On The Second Day of Christmas

AHH, I SEE SNOW! IT'S SNOWING AND WE DON'T HAVE SCHOOL! WOOOH! Yeah, well it's snowing. Quite heavily, too. Well, I think I'll come back later with another picture later, and a new song.

On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Two turtle doves, And a partridge in a pear tree.

Turtle Doves refers to the Old and New Testaments

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Twelve Days of Christmas: Winter Wonderland

Alright people. Remember all those times you'd be procrastinating at doing something? You know, like not heeded your mother's call, and saying "I'm coming Ma!" just to get a "Well so's Christmas!"? Well, guess what. They Christmas really WAS coming after all. Here I pledge, every day for the next fourteen to post at least once. Well, anyway, I'm just dropping another line. Remember when it snowed a few weeks ago? I mean the first measurable snow? Well, here were some pictures from my own Winter Wonderland.

*Note to Chiara, that one reminds me of the story A Bridge to Terabithia. Isn't that little 'cove' like that wonderland Peter describes? (Is it Pete? NO!!!! THIS REMINDS ME OF THE LION THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE!)

Merry Christmas!

First day of Christmas

Okay, well here goes nothin'! I'm about to blog every day for twelve days straight, leading up to Christmas day. Hey, I think I'll put some lyrics up. But whatever. I'm in school. I'll write back later. GOD, WHY CAN'T IT SNOW DURING THE DAY?!?!

On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me A partridge in a pear tree.
True love on the first day refers to God.

Friday, December 7, 2007


Just thought I'd pass by and say hi. This box is torture.

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Howdy there!

Hey, if you still read this blog you are amazing. I rarely ever post. I'm sorry. From here on out, I'm going to follow Willa's steps and be more active. I'm in my grandmother's house right now, listening to the guitar hero 3 soundtrack from my mom's laptop. Guess what. My grandma bought it for me for Christmas. She said it to my uncle before. ☺ PAINT IT BLACK!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Just too much!

Stacked with homework and favors for friends, sorry, I just can't blog tonight. Not happening. =[ But I had a really really really good day. Especially "NHD."

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Snow! SNOW! I SEE SNOW! Okay, that said, how's your weekend going, people? It's the first snow of the little-more-than-month-away Winter season. Everyone seems happy enough. Well, I don't have much time. I'm just here to say I'm going to try to get back into that VOTW groove. I want to post at least twice a week, once with a video. Here's something I found very entertaining. Once I saw this, I had to get the song for this. That's just how I think. Music stands above all else. p.s. For those of you wondering...many of the titles of my posts sound gibberish, right? None of them are made up or fake. All have meaning. The phrase above is German.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Well, I think I post enough that people still follow along. Meghan still reads. So does Caitlin. (Once in a while.) So not much as changed since May, when I began posting. Lately I've slowed tremendously, but that's okay. All I know it I'm blogging my 100th, just like I was my first. I'm here, on my chair, with Rocky, listening to the awesome song on this blog. It's a 100th renovation. I like it lots. I'd stick around and chat, but I can't wait to change this song. See ya 'round! =] *Edit:* Though the archiver on the right says its my 93rd, through deleted posts and things as such, it's my 100th.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I've been sick...like a dog.

I'll blog about that later, I promise. I have time today, for once. But now, I do not. Watch this, please? Enjoy. How was it waking up today. Did it feel weird, you know, DST over and all?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat!

So, when you run out of candy *sniff...sniff...*, and you feel badly, and put a sign on your door that says "Sorry, No Candy," you think that those knuckleheads won't know on your door, right? Nahh, I would totally still knock as a "HAHA, YOU SUCK, YOU HAVE NO CANDY SO I AM GOING TO ANNOY YOU." Yeah, sounds like fun. Once again, I'm stuck at home missing out on the Halloween action. Someone mind saving me a piece of candy? It'd be nice, that's all. My blog has this temporary make over, you see, it's just FESTIVE okay, hope you can read that through this crazy layout. If you can't, oh well. Oh, yeah, shoutout. Well, not exactly. More like...enlistment. Jess, I need your help. Remember that old awesome layout you had for me? The one I had with the city skyline? Could you send me the link? After that it's onto a turkey layout...then old St. Nick....then a birthday cake. After that? Llamapalooza with Chiara? Sounds good. Christian, too? Awesome. Goodnight, spooky one. May the spiders rest with you. "The average human will eat an average of 8 spiders while sleeping" -Snapple Fact #31


I know I shouldn't be blogging this early, but the idea to do this just hit me, so I figured I'd do it. Plus, I just remembered the song name. I won't remember it later. HAPPY HALLOWEEN

Friday, October 26, 2007

Toss the Feathers!

Well, HELLO THERE. No, I'm actually not dead. I'm just moving at 100mph, and all the junk around me if flying off in the distance. I have no time to relax (well I do, but not nearly as much time as last year.) High School is stressing. Oh, what do you know. I need to go. But here, watch this. I love this. Bye.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

So much going on!

Between various researchathons, presentations, patiot act violations, speed away, and phone talks with Chiara, I know it's 6:01 in the morning but... Happy Birthday Jess!☺ ♥ K, talk to you later while I get ready for school. French Vanilla? Sounds good. I'll make one.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Rotini, Gambini, Tortellini, Foombelini, Chiaranini. So, I just decided to blog. You see, I'm rather bored, and the only amusement in the past five hours has been this pathetic new ringtone I got. It goes something like DUMDAH DUMDAH DUMDADADUMDAH DUMDAH DAHH. (If you can imagine a guitar & a ukulele making that noise.) Well, You see, I need to shower now. I'll talk to you all later. Mary, if you're readin....nevermind. Oh, yeah, bleedini.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Well, I had probably the best day I've had in like forever. I don't have time to explain much right now, but here are some videos. I apologize for the poor quality. I HATE NOT BEING IN BAND. I WISH MY PARENTS WOULD BUY ME A TRUMPET OR SAX OR SOMETHING ALREADY. ANYTHING!!! Even the kazoo! I'll take it. (Nevermind, Persad said that didn't count.)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Waterless Silverware!

Okay, so I didn't blog that night...or the night after...or the night after that...or the night or two after that...you get the point. I'm a busy kid. High school has gotten me strung against a wall inscribed "PAIN.ANGUISH.WORK.SCHOOL" Doesn't it have you, too? Oh, look, over to my right...there's Chiara. Of course Mr. Mark isn't on the wall. How would that go? Jk. He's awesome. I don't know what to say. I'm out of it. I don't know AT ALL what to write tonight. Umm, let's see. It's raining, and I'm listening to the song "If We Are the Body." Very good song. Yes, all of a sudden I like Casting Crowns. No, not my favorite band. That has to go to either the Shins, Beck (He's one person that sometimes plays with a band) or Dave Matthews. (So's he.) I'm eating really good gum. 60 pieces for $2.49. Good deal, eh? I feel Canadian today. Eh? EH? Okay, I'm done. Before I leave, I'll let you know what I've been absolutely dying to do for the past week. I was listening to Song 2 (Who did a cover version of it, Kerianne?) by Blur, and my uncle (who is seriously a brother to me, only he's 27) took an earbud from me, started listening to it, and made that wailing police siren noise, and in seamless transition after 3 sirens let out a loud "WOOHOO!" He went to Plattsburgh University, and they had a, in his words, "kick-ass" hockey team. Whenever they scored a goal, a siren went off, and after the third one, that "jumped into WOOHOO!" I'd love to be at one of their games? You know what else I'd like to do? Go to a marching band competition? What? Oh, Saturday, riggghhhttt....

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Pardon? Je ne vous ai pas entendu.

I haven't blogged for a while. No, this blog isn't dead yet, but the Sims 2 is distracting me right now. I'll blog tonight. Guitar Hero III? I want it.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Lack of Motivation.

Well, I haven't been motivated to blog as of late, and school has gotten me caught up. To relieve some of the post-traumatic stress of High School, here is something that is guaranteed to make you laugh.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


I don't have much time to blog, but look at this, please.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Unpopular Sovereignty

So, due to populae request, or maybe that Chiara is the only one that ever reads my blog anymore, JESS, MEGHAN, CAITLIN, CHRISTIAN.... I changed the song! Thank you Chi-Chi. Yes, a pet name.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I've got some catching up to do.

Mmkay, hey there. I haven't been motivated to blog as of late, most likely because of the swirl of chaos of the transition to High School. ---Who am I kidding? I've been perfectly fine and worry-free, and no, I'm not lying to you. The first day I was only anxious to meet our teachers, but I had no worries on my mind. None. High School is everything I've heard it is. It's tough, it's a huge change, it's great when you get used to it(in the process, but I see it happening,) the teachers are really good, and it's quite an experience. High School; I love it. What I especially love...the Warwick High Band. They're amazing, just absolutely amazing. Oh! I almost forgot! I love going to see the football games, too. I really, really do. It's so much fun, especially when you sit with the band. Fun fun fun! (Once you get past the estranged sophomore twins staring at you. Yeah "Like woahhhh twins." hahaahahahhaha) Warwick crushed Goshen, at a final tally of 49-6. ("42-6? That's really good for someone in the band that hates football." jhahahahaahahaha. Sorry. You don't know what I'm talking about.) Well, high school to me is downright wonderful, and I love it. I miss the middle school, and I always will. I can't visit when I'd like either. "Memory lane begins when school is OVER." Note: I'm deciding on changing the music on my blog. It's really tough for me. All of you out there are going to call me an idiot, laugh, and possibly even argue, especially Kerianne, but this is my music philosophy: Music is something very special. It's not just a pattern of sounds put together to sound pretty or nice, it's a piece of you; it's a mood. If I put it on my blog, I feel like it must relate to me some how, be it the lyrics, a single instrument (Yo Amo El Guitarro) or just the beat. If the beat is mellow, then that's part of me. Kerianne, I didn't say music was my life =]. I think I have to play an instrument first. But that's my music philosophy. I'm picking between two songs. The contenders are: Girl by Beck -&- The Eraser by Thom Yorke If you've heard either, let me know which you like more, or please go to iTunes, and check them out, if you don't mind. The Eraser is a bit more techno than I've been willing to go in the past with songs, but check it out. Well, I think I should be heading to bed now. I have a function to atte......Goodness. I have to be up in 6 hours. Goodnight. "Terrryyyyy Aggggboooo, fllloooorrrr sppot. Mmmmmmkayyyy?" I choose to call her Mouthy Matteson. No, I don't. Ask Kerianne for further details. K, bye. I was in the middle of pitching. Not sure who took this picture, either Chiara or Jess, but that special effect is solari. Cool, huh? Changed the colors =].

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


It's freezing...I got up at 7:20 after going to bed after 2... I'm waiting for the man from Verizon to call me. He said he would call at 7:41AM to deal with me...I am just so cold. BURRRRR. I can't stop shaking. AAHHHHH. I guess I should go. Oh God. In 25 hours I'll be in the high school. Just lovely...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mr. Senor Aviator

Because I like aviation so much, I find things like this very interesting. I also make it my business to research a lot of things about airplanes, which is why I tend to know more than the average Joe or Jane. This is a test conducted by the US government on what would happen to a plane if it was flown into the walls that house the nuclear reactor at nuclear power plants. To me, it looks like we won't have to worry about a terror threat like this... unless plane debris enters the reactor...then that;s something to worry about.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My new music!

Please, PLEASE comment and tell me what you think about my music. Please? Please??? Please tell me what you think about it. It would mean a lot. No, really, please tell me. I'd like it if you did. Please? COMMENT ME. Thanks

Monday, August 27, 2007

Well, Well, Well...

I just got back from our first official NHD meeting. Remember in the beginning when Mr. Rauschenbach said we would want to do this every year and we scoffed at him? Well, he was right. I hate to say it, but he was. So we decided at our meeting that we'll wait to do any major deciding. So, that was a very productive meeting. The majority of the decision-making took all of about 20 minutes, but we stayed at Jess's house for around two hours. It was quite a fun meeting, too. And no, Mrs. McClelland, I did NOT paint my nails black, so don't have a heart attack.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Well, This is short & sweet.

I don't have much time. I'm just about to hit the shower, buttttt..... I think you should see this amazing picture. If you don't think its amazing, you have problems. This was taken from Space Shuttle Endeavour, and that sparkling thing? That's the sun. Down below is mother Earth what I believe is the continent of North America. (That's California!) Okie dokie. Have a good day people! OH! And here's one of my brother! =]]]

Saturday, August 25, 2007

My Schedule

Okay, my schedule is as follows: Per 1. Math AB w/Mark Per 2. Phys Ed (ABC) Lab w/Nilsson (D) Study Hall w/Myruski (EF) Per 3. Spanish 2 w/Heller Per 4. Study Hall (This will most likely be my Career & Financial Management Class 1st half, and keyboarding 2nd half or vice~versa) Per 5. Lunch Per 6. Living Environment Honors w/Nilsson Per 7. English 9H w/Martinez (I heard they are an awesome teacher from some of the teachers @ Sanfordville.) Per 8. Global History 1H w/Caliendo (They're new.) They made a mistake on my 2nd semester schedule, but nothing changes. =].

VFTW, Keeping in Touch

Hey people. I haven't posted in a while, so, sorry. Not much as been going on, actually. I'm just finishing up To Kill A Mocking Bird, which is surprisingly good. It's 12:04 AM so I think I should head on out. I'll post tomorrow! And I call it.... How Two Nerds Fall in Love.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Owange Chicken, just like momma make et.

Hehehehe. Well, I would post, but I'm suddenly not in the mood. Lah-dee-dah!

Short & Sweet: VFTW

A Scene from Damages, a new hit show on FX

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Oh My Goodness.

Just a few words...

Conflift & Compromise in History.
Up for the Challenge?

Friday, August 17, 2007


I'm pretty much decided on the NEW Chocolate. I'm sorry. Last~swing decision. Don't expect a firm decision until the moment I absolutely need to have made that desicion. Okay, people. Here's the video for tonight. This is comedian Jo Koy on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. (This one is a treat, so enjoy!) P.S. fellow NHD nerdettes (=]) Kerianne pointed out that this guy's accent is flawless. We should have hired him to present for us, no?=] Just kidding. =\

Thursday, August 16, 2007


So, it's 1:31, and I know what you're thinking. Heh, bud, I want to see your bud, not read this tedious text. Well then, I'll cut to it. Two things have me awake right now, and one of them is that McDonald's Iced Coffee. (PHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!) So, OH. Next week I'm getting a phone. I'm siding with the New Chocolate be the way, Jess. But I still want to see yours again. Well I have something to show you. I use my cell phone always to wake me up. This will be my new alarm in the morning. Enjoy! Create free ringtones at Phonezoo Oh, yes. And my dog, too. ISN'T HE ADORABLE?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Video, again.

Okay, I think I'm caught up for the half week...or whatever. I don't know. Here's one more video. I don't know why I find this commercial hilarious, but think about it. Paul McCartney...is older. He can't jump around like that as much anymore. So imagine him doing that down your street. And look at his face, and how his eyes get huge! AHAHAHAHAHA. Dance Tonight by Paul McCartney.

Monday, August 13, 2007

This one's for Moreno.

So these are T-Shirts Kerianne and I carefully crafted for Mrs. Moreno. Like them? In case you can't read the back, it says "The power of the exponent is bestowed upon what is directly beneath it," and has Pi calculated to around the 1000th digit. Too bad its $16.00 A SHIRT! By the way, this is my 70th post! =]


This is really cool. Take a look at the video for this week, straight from SNL. 

Clap Hands by Beck

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Welcome to Planet Earth

Mhm, yes, yes. First off, birthdays long overdue. Caitlin - I missed yours by two weeks ;] Juliet - Yours was Wednesday, not that you read this blog. Happy 6th birthday!!! Okay, next item up for business... Tonights the meteor shower. It's the first time in quite a while since there's been one without a Moon shining in the sky. (Tonight's a new moon.) I've never seen one before. (Sorry...J) Tonight will be my first one. I'm going to make it my business to get out there tonight, around 1:00AM during the peak, and enjoy it. Take a look at this article. On a side note, (to the band geeks) you'll constantly see "Perseids." I kept thinking at said "Persads."

Great Perseids 07.11.2007 + Play Audio | + Download Audio | + Email to a friend | + Join mailing list July 11, 2007: Got a calendar? Circle this date: Sunday, August 12th. Next to the circle write "all night" and "Meteors!" Attach the above to your refrigerator in plain view so you won't miss the 2007 Perseid meteor shower. "It's going to be a great show," says Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office at the Marshall Space Flight Center. "The Moon is new on August 12th--which means no moonlight, dark skies and plenty of meteors." How many? Cooke estimates one or two Perseids per minute at the shower's peak. see caption Above: A Perseid fireball photographed August 12, 2006, by Pierre Martin of Arnprior, Ontario, Canada. [Larger image] The source of the shower is Comet Swift-Tuttle. Although the comet is nowhere near Earth, the comet's tail does intersect Earth's orbit. We glide through it every year in August. Tiny bits of comet dust hit Earth's atmosphere traveling 132,000 mph. At that speed, even a smidgen of dust makes a vivid streak of light--a meteor--when it disintegrates. Because Swift-Tuttle's meteors fly out of the constellation Perseus, they are called "Perseids." Note: In the narrative that follows, all times are local. For instance, 9:00 pm means 9:00 pm in your time zone, where you live. Sign up for EXPRESS SCIENCE NEWS delivery The show begins between 9:00 and 10:00 pm on Sunday, August 12th, when Perseus rises in the northeast. This is the time to look for Perseid Earthgrazers--meteors that approach from the horizon and skim the atmosphere overhead like a stone skipping the surface of a pond. "Earthgrazers are long, slow and colorful; they are among the most beautiful of meteors," says Cooke. He cautions that an hour of watching may net only a few of these--"at most"--but seeing even one makes the long night worthwhile. As the night unfolds, Perseus climbs higher and the meteor rate will increase many-fold. "By 2 am on Monday morning, August 13th, dozens of Perseids may be flitting across the sky every hour." The crescendo comes before dawn when rates could exceed a meteor a minute. For maximum effect, Cooke advises, "get away from city lights." The brightest Perseids can be seen from cities, he allows, but the greater flurry of faint, delicate meteors is visible only from the countryside. Scouts, this is a good time to go camping. see caption Above: The eastern sky, viewed during the hours before sunrise on Monday, Aug. 13, 2007. And there's a bonus: Mars. In the constellation Taurus, just below Perseus, Mars shines like a bright red star. Many of the Perseids you see on August 12th and 13th will flit right past it. Instead of following the meteor, you may find you have a hard time taking your eyes off Mars. There's something bewitching about it, maybe the red color or perhaps the fact that it doesn't twinkle like a true star. You stare at Mars and it stares right back. Earth and Mars are converging for a close encounter in December 2007. NASA is taking advantage by launching a new mission to Mars--the Phoenix Lander. Phoenix will touch down on an arctic plain where it can dig into the ground and investigate layers of soil and ice, searching for, among other things, a habitable zone for primitive microbes. The launch window opens on August 3rd, so by the time the Perseids arrive Phoenix may be hurtling toward the Red Planet. Landing: late Spring 2008. It's something to think about at four in the morning, with Mars rising in the east, meteors flitting across the sky, and a summer breeze rustling the legs of your pajamas. Maybe you should go circle your calendar again. SEND THIS STORY TO A FRIEND Author: Dr. Tony Phillips | Production Editor: Dr. Tony Phillips | Credit: Science@NASA

I just stumbled upon some Tiananmen Square documents, NHD people. Wanna see them?

It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice.
Deng Xiaoping

The theory of relativity worked out by Mr. Einstein, which is in the domain of natural science, I believe can also be applied to the political field. Both democracy and human rights are relative concepts - and not absolute and general.
Jiang Zemin

If you want to know the taste of a pear, you must change the pear by eating it yourself. If you want to know the theory and methods of revolution, you must take part in revolution. All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience.
Mao Zedong

War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.
Mao Zedong

We will make every effort with utmost sincerity to achieve a peaceful reunification of the country.
Hu Jintao

China is like a sleeping giant. And when she awakes, she shall astonish the world.



Aung San Suu Kyi:

Fear is not the natural state of civilized people.

Dom Helder Camara:

When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.


Alright, this is just crazy.

I found out how to do a bunch of cool things with Blogger. So, yet again, my template and page layout have changed. They may change once more. I'm feeling a bit nostalgic, you know? Thanks. Sorry! =\

“Let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths”

You know, tonight is a new moon. You know what that means! Well...no, you don't. I don't either. I mean, if you had Mr. Mesic, he preached something about tides and new moon...but I'm not sure what. It's summer, and after I finished that pesky regents exam, oh Lordy. I could feel all of my knowledge of Earth Science escape me like air from a deflating balloon. Well, regardless of said knowledge, tonight is going to be a special night. Tonight there is a meteor shower! The Earth has found itself stuck in the tail of a passing comet, and the particles from its tail will burn while hurtling through our atmosphere. It should be quite a show tonight, when it peaks around 1:00AM, with up to one meteor per minute. This meteor shower can be seen from Westphalia to Tiananmen Square; from Billy Joel's house to the African Congo; from Warwick to Warwick, and all around the world. Well, I must go give my doggie his medicine. I'll post again today, that's a promise. =\

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Sorry....I got cold feet. The other blog is so not me. So.... back at home I am.

Alright, alright!!! I'll explain...

See, I like RummagingRover, rather than FartherThanYonder, which was going to be temporary, anyway. Look, I'm open to comments and suggestions. Should I go back? Please vent, and leave me comments. D= Rummage - To search Rover - One that beseeks...

Friday, August 10, 2007

Exspectata ut sedecim

Okay, you come to my blog, and see something you didn't expect to see at all. Yes, my blog has been completely renovated. Everything down to my cool links at the right *hint-hint* and the song playing in the background. Alright, well I'll say one thing. Out of all of this, one thing was predictable...well, two, if you'd visited my blog about ten minutes prior to this post.

  1. My blog exploded again to a state of extreme disrepair, where fixing it would have meant mangling through twisted code and "div's" and "" and stuff as such.
  2. I am a huge fan of acoustics, particularly for background music on a blog.
Well, I was lazy. And it is about 11:00, so I didn't particularly feel that I should spend my night editing a blog. So, here you have it. I might put the new code someday...but not soon. I guess it all depends on the feedback headed my way. Let me know what you think about the blog design...and this song. Which...I'm not sure that you all will like it. On a lighter note: My parents are back from Puerto Rico!!! They are far too generous. They came back with 2 pairs (why is one short called a pair?) of shorts, one a gray-and-white camoflauge cargo-style, and the other yellow, brown, and (hold on...let me check...-5 minutes later-) turquoise-but-not-so-loud blue color. You know, today I've had such a wonderful day...and...well, my TV behind me is tuned to CNN, for any word on the fate of the six miners trapped in a Utah coal mine, and "Breaking News" "Web Site: Al Qaeda threatens radiological attack on the US, NYPD steps up security" "Economic Woes." CLICK its off. Well, as I was saying, (2 minute pause...I found a mosquito biting my FOOT) I got gray and blue matching shirts, respectively to the shorts. I also got poll/beachy sandals and an awesome necklace. I love my parents. They do too much. (They also got a couple things for someone else, too.) This is maybe the best week I've had all year, and I don't want it to stop. Next week we will probably get our schedules...ohhhh boy. Periodically I stumble upon new websites/blogs. Well, I'll post them if they're interesting. I'll do no more than twice a week. No promises! Oh, and I'll try the same with a video. Okay, thanks!
Here's a Blog I'm Into This Week Birding Mom: The View From My Window Video for this Week (With my favorite actress, Glenn Close.) Ohhh, and those are my sandals, in that navy blue.
That was a long one!!!
=]]] P.S. Figure out what the title means, and I'll...hmmm. I don't know. Figure it out, please? Hint: Look at my previous title, but with "60" in mind, with a little hairspray. =]

NUMBER 59!!!

I scoff at the idea of posting, when I have such a hippy-bippy, poppity electric soundtrack to listen to. Don't you, also, Duchess Chiara? HAIRSPRAY

Monday, August 6, 2007

Ahhh, bud bud bud... =[

Sigh..... My blog decided to do a 1080 on me. Give me some time, I'll have it all corrected. For now, bare with this layout, however boring and just.... euuuuckkk it might be. Thannkkksss.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Chiara, Jess, you'll like this post!

So, Chiara and I are sort of nerds... and now Jess downloaded the song as well, plus lyrics, and said she's going to listen to it until she knows every word of it. Well, sadly, I've already done that. Okay, okay, not every word, but pretty close to. Ask Mariel for EVERY word. So, just like I was singing yesterday, here is an extremely nerdy video to the song We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Looking to the future is like looking at your death. We all die sooner or later.

I've commenced the worst two-weeks of my life today. I love my Grandmother to death, and I completely love being with her... just not for two weeks. I am going to have a wonderful time in these days-to-come. Other things are flying up in the air as well. 

To leave things in such a state of disrepair, possibly past the point of repair. How could I be such a jerk?

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Please read this...

People spend their lives searching for l ♥ve, money, greed, power, companionship, happiness, forgiveness, solitude, solution, inspiration, conclusion, identification, confidence, retaliation, reincarnation, peace, relaxation, consolation, curation, understanding, acceptance, recognition, and the one. Which two, three, or even 4 are you? Post about it. Show others who you really are. So, who are you?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"You don't get a lot of things...we just leave you to blessed ignorance."

Well, that's something a dear friend told me. Wonderful, how people love me so much, isn't it? First and foremost, I apologize for not blogging in... 6 days or so. This is the longest hiatus thus far in my blogging career. Okay, now on to the rest of things... ...Today was a beautiful day! The weather was marvelous, and the passing clouds, along with the slight breeze that hugged and kissed you as it went by was very relaxing. The water lapping at my feet...ahh, it was just a beautiful day today at the bea-- I mean pool. Chiara' pool is bery nice. I like it A LOT. I'll probably stop by tomorrow. =]. I love living in such close proximity to Chiara. Not just the pool, but she is an amazing person. I am blessed, truly blessed to have a close group of such good friends. The best best friends in the world. Well, today, most of today was fun. I'm laying on my bed blogging from my aunt's laptop that she sent for me to fix...I was on the phone with my Indian Homies from Dell about an hour ago. All is well, and I'm in love with being able to blog from my lap. I'm definitely asking for a laptop come Christmas time. Ohh...hahahaha. Random thought, that reminds me of a line in How I Met Your Mother. Heheheheeh.... Ted says "COME ON, LILLY! IT'S CHRISTMAS. You know, Christ-mas? It means more Christ to our Spanish friends." Okay, sorry. I know Meghan doesn't read this, so it didn't spoil anything for her. Okay, well I must restart! Maybe you'll hear from me tonight or tomorrow morning, but I doubt it. Seeeeee yaaaa!!! =/

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ex exordium

Not that I'm going to be very dedicated to this blog...this should be interesting. Yup. Okay. Alright, well the phone is ringing. Bye.
That was my first-ever blog post, on May 7th, 2007, when I never in a million years saw myself becoming a self-proclaimed blogger. If I was going to, I figured it would last...maybe a week, and that would be all. I would reach the proverbial climax within a week, and things would collapse from there. Well...that was far from the truth. In fact, thats pretty much opposite of what happened. I know, no anniversary or anything, but just here to commemorate. By the way, I love this blog. It is truly my sanctuary. Thanks for reading, it really means a lot. 348 as of 9:19PM, 7/19. Party tomorrow, can't wait. =] Oh, and, by the way, I didn't make that title up. It's Latin for "from the beginning."

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Fine, fine, I"m guilty. Please, kill me now. I'm commiting a crime. I mean, I guess it might be, by those unwritten blog rules. BWDEA. Blogging While Doing Extraneous Activities. Jess, is this part of the rules? Because if it is, I've broken it far too many times for reconciliation. What a beautiful night.  It is simply gorgeous outside, bugs aside. The day was simply marvelous. A lot of reading, and talking to people I don't normally talk to a lot, and the day has composed to be a nearly-perfect day. Well, I hope tomorrow shapes up to be much the same. NOW I GOTTA GO WATCH POWER RANGERS <33.

Fish or sticks? FISH STICKS!
gooodddnighhttt people.

Something new! You will see

Something new! You will see some short random posts ending with an @ symbol. These are posts from my phone. Yay!! @

Hey. This is my new

Hey. This is my new mobile blog. You wont see any lengthy posts... Just random tid-bits. Enjoy!

okay, ignore that, please?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

John 4:19

If you have a Bible, please read that. I think its perfect. That's quite possibly my favorite verse. 

Today was another stagnant and mucky day. It was positively sunny outside, and around 8:30PM, when I was going to throw out the garbage, I heard this loud music. I think there was a concert at Stanley~Demming Park tonight. 
Well, this is short. I'm currently synching my iPod, and just waiting, happily for some things =]. 
So, friends, goodnight.
Yes, Chiara, I know you're reading this one, thinking it was an utter waste of time. =]

Friday, July 13, 2007

Hey, hey hey! The dork is proud of this one.

What a glorious day. Just simply...beautiful.

So, what's in my day? Okay, here goes:
I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, put the wrong foot out first, awoke to a lackluster sunrise, tripped over Mother Nature herself, trudged out the door, and pranced off to grandma's, and had a glorious sunset.
Hey, I'm proud of that. =].
Well, how, you ask? Don't worry, I know you didn't ask. But I'll tell you anyway...
I absolutely HATE waking up to the phone ringing, and the person says "I'm almost there. Be ready."
That was my grandmother. She was taking me to her house. She was at the post office...which is only...eh, a 10 minute walk from my house. Great. I was rushing. It took me a whole half hour to get ready. I know, Jess, Chiara, that's not long you're saying. But without breakfast, for a guy it is. Sorry, I can't go out without a clean face, fixed hair, and perfectly...err...'non-wrinkley' clothing. I can't. I just can't do it. (Brushed teeth, other things, too, of course. Including my dog.) She waited outside for a good... okay, the entire half hour. I felt so bad. So I went to her house. With my advice, she bought a brand new laptop, from Dell. (A steep $1,400...) Well, anyway... then we went FISHING! We went fishing, hoping to bring home some dinner. I figured we would be there a while. Call me a freak, but I brought a Bible. Today was the first time I've ever gone "Awwwwww!" at a worm. (Not the cute way, the "That's horrible!" way.) Well, I caught a fish... I was going to take it. It was far too little to be eaten though. Maybe its length was...from the tip of your middle finger to the bottom of your palm. I took out the hook...from its lip. =[. I felt horrible. Oh, and then, while taking it out, it shook and pricked me with its very sharp fins. Hey, you know what? I deserved that. Nothing else was caught. As the sun began to set...out on the dock I was, reading the bible. Finishing with John 3:16. How nice. I really didn't plan that. It was amazing. So an off-balance morning turned into a gorgeous and beautiful day. Oh, I can't forget to mention, when I was walking out on the dock, a little buddy joined me. It was a monarch butterfly. It flew to my jean-shorts, and didn't let go. =]. So, today I was quite literally high on nature. Oh my! There is so much to say. Dorry I'm jumping around so much, but I'm thinking as I type. I know, no writer should ever do that, only in diaries, and journals. But, this is my journal, eh? The sky...over the lake, there were huge puffy storm clouds in the distance. But it was sunny over the lake with a slight breeze. The water was lapping at our feet. It was amazing. Picture perfect, something that words cannot possibly capture. So, we got back to my grandma's house. Then it rained. I love the rain. What a stellar day. Ohh... hehehe=]. Anyone in Earth Science.......... okay. Let me set up what happened. My grandma wanted to know why a spool, the circular thingy on a fishing rod that spins and has all of your fishing line, glides so smoothly. I then see the words "GRAPHITE SPINNER" written prominently accross the side. Oh boy. I really shouldn't know that graphite... is a 'greasy' type of mineral, that glides easily on any surface, which is why it is used for pencils, and has a hardness of about 1. Mr. Mesic...why did you do this to me? Why did you make it so that when the sun sets, and I see the reddish sky, I think of your classes, or when the moon is out... I know what phase its called? Mr. Mesic...you're a dork. I am, too. 
Earth Science was traumatic.
So tomorrow I'm going to get The Girl That Loved Tom Gordon...
OH! I forgot to add someone very obvious to my heroes...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

One last thing...well overdue.

Congratulations to the confirmant. =]

That was a really fun party. I really got to see what fun its like to be around your familyyy.  So much fun.
[Sorry for breaking that chair...]

What do you think? (My profile).

This was almost my profile, until blogger told me it was too long. 600 characters over the allotted 1,200. Here it is, anyway. I'm going to write a new one... soon.

I'm (sometimes) Marc-Anthony. I'm (kinda) Marco~Polumbo, or one of my other various nicknames. Sometimes I'm a TV freak. Sometimes I have OCD. Other times I have ADD (Well, not really.) I'm a music lover. I'm a guitarist hopeful. I'm a floating Christian, not devout to any specific religion just yet, but I'm just about done wading. I'm a reader, from the most frivolous scriptures, to the holy scripture, the Bible. I'm an avid baseball fan, mediocre soccer fan, and tennis lover. Hockey is also a sport I enjoy. I'm the child of a mother and a father that are no longer en masse. I'm a dork. I'm a nerd. I'm funny sometimes (so I've been told.) I apparently have an ear, and, more importantly, a tongue for accents. 1 @m @ g00d spllr. I absolutely love meeting new people. Sometimes I tend to be shy, sometimes I'm outgoing to the point of obnoxiousness. I'm sometimes a video game player. (See: DORK.) I'm far from conceited. I found recently, that somewhere, deep inside, I have an inate pleasure for math, when I actually solve a problem I once thought impossible. I walk my own path. I know the beaten, torn, and woed trail isn't always the right one. I'm an internet-surfer. I'm a pool/stream lover. I am a nature lover (To me, nothing beats a long, serene nature walk with two of your best buds, even if its only to a stream down a small hill =].) I love going to friends' houses. I love spontaneous visits. Sometimes I'm a really cool kid. Sometimes I'm just plain anoying. Sometimes I'm worse than a PMSing woman (No offense, my mom told me that one.) I actually know, that when a girl says something hurts, it HURTS. I'm a pet lover, any size (Just no spiders, please.) I'm a child of God, trying to be better every day. I'm Marc-Anthony, Marco~Polumbo, and sometimes I'm even Marco~Polo, an actor on the stage called life.
My Heroes:
Sam (The jewish one =])
Andrew S
Sara G
Okay, BSchnab
My entire family
Thanks a bunch
---And so many more people! Comment me if I forgot you, please! I can't remember tham all, there are far too many.

Voicing...a concern that probably only I have...

I'm here just to... uhhhh err, share something. Something that probably only I'm concerned about. 8th grade was an amazing year. I got closer to many people than I've ever thought possible. In retrospect, the year was simply wonderful. Great, now I have all of these strong ties, which I cherish all of the time, but now comes High School. I hope I'm not separated from too many people. I would...not be happy. At all. I really hope I'm not separated, or others, as well. I mean, I know the high school is big, but there will probably never be a day where I won't see my friends, but I just don't want to be too far. Well, anyway...that's just me. And it's bugging me lately, especially after I got those two letters in the mail. Oh boyy...I thought that was my schedule/placement...


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

This postt.....just look at the video.

This video is hilarious. I just thought, you know, with the business of late, you guys can take a breather, and laugh at this video. This is from Saturday Night Live. Okie dokiieeee. Enjoy!!! P.S. Chiara...how is your pool coming along? =]

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"And when he said this, he showed them his hands and his feet." Luke 24.40

Well, as you can see, I was just reading the Bible. This magnificent composition is the World's all-time selling book in all of its translations, applications, and iterations. The best part is that you don't have to start from the beginning to get meaningful and inspirational words from it. (I guess, as Jess said too, is handles very well. You know, how it feels in your hands...A regular Bible would. I'm not sure about the Metal Bible Jess told me about at the Christian Living Store, which I'm desperate to go to, by the way.) Well, I'll keep reading, and then I have something of my own to write in the 'notes' section. I'll be going now! God Blesssssssss! =]

Friday, July 6, 2007

"Eat a live toad the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day."

Hehehe, I like that one. -I woke up to the most amazing sound this morning. I woke up to the truly soothing sounds of the birds happily chirping outside of my window, and the sound of mother nature running her fingers through the leaves of the trees. The sunlight was peeking through the blinds in my window. I positively had to get up. Then I got a call phone my Grandmother. It's nice to know someone cares about you so much. Remember, grandparents spoil. Few love you like they do. She asks me "What kind of bagel do you like, because I'm getting you one?" (Chiara...correct me if I'm wrong...but doesn't a question mark go there? I don't know, it seems a little weird.) I told her, and I jumped out of bed, knowing that food would be brought to me today, instead of me cooking, yet again. Even though cooking brings me much joy, it gets tiring after a week or so. Yes, I cook for myself. I find cooking as an art of expression, not a troubling work...but when there's only eggs in your house, with some ham, onions, and bacon, you get tired of cooking. So at about 9:43 I got ready. It took me all of... a half hour to get ready. Guys have it easy, this is definitely true. To fix my hair, brush my teeth, wash my face, generally get cleaned up, pick out and iron clothes...feed the dog, pick up after him, and give him water, put on sock and then sneakers took all of a half hour. Oh, and I got dressed, too =]. Sooo...now I'm waiting for my grandmother to finally get here. It should be soon! And then we're off...to hop and sk....not really. We're off somewhere. Maybe Middletown. This is really, the calm before the storm. After my mom ... shes here

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Well, not yet. 8:59. Sorry, I'm waiting for the fireworks to start. "The Macy's Fourth of July Fireworks Spectacular begins now on NBC." 9:00!!! Martina McBride is singing. Oh, wow, she has a spectacular voice. I think it should be called Independence Day Fireworks Spectacular, not Fourth of July, because I believe America is loosing the aura of what July the 4th actually is. For example, I was watching Fox News before, and preceeding a commercial break was what's called a "splash screen", which is nothing but a still screen, but this one showed a poll. It was titled:
What Does July 4th Mean to You?
Lots of BBQ's and Fireworks: 48%
A Time to Celebrate Freedom: 40%
Other/Unknown: 12%
Margin of Error: +/-5%
...Wow. Very....err....American. Is this is what the United States of America has come to? A country surfeited with naïveté? This is Independence Day, where, in 1776, the document formally entitled as The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, drafted by Honorable Thomas Jefferson, seen below, and signed by the Second Continental Congress, was presented to the British government, right? Of course! This did declare our independence, but was NOT the first document that had done so. Not at all. This is a common misconception by the American people. The first document to do so was the Lee Resolution, an act of the Second Continental Congress that formally declared the Thirteen Colonies independent from the rule of the Kingdom of Great Britain. What's more? This document wasn't even presented on July 4th! This document was presented two day prior, on July 2nd. Here, have a look at this:

John Adams wrote his wife Abigail on July 3:

The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.
So, much to our once prominent disdain of the British, (I paused for a while. The fireworks started 9:23, and they are DAZZLING, and still on-going) and our adoration of all things immaculate and pristine, we sought towards the Declaration of Independence as our official doctrine, so to speak. Well, this paper of voluminous importance was dated July 4th, 1776. Subsequentially, July 4th was adopted as our 'official' date of secession from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies signed the Lee Resolution, as New York abstained, due to their belief that (9:51, fireworks conclude) they had been insufficiently empowered as representatives. New York finally signed declaring their independence on July 9th, signing the Declaration of Independence. While most people believe the Declaration was signed on July the 4th, this is far from the truth. In face, most delegates signed it on August 2nd, 1776!

So uhhh on that note...

Happy Independence Day


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Plastic surgery!

Well, well, well. This blog looks amazing. (To me, anyway.) I absolutely LOVE it. So.... THANK YOU SO MUCH JESS. YOU ARE AWESOME! YOU DO TOO MUCH FOR ME!!! Thankyyaaaaaa =] shimmmlllyyy

Monday, July 2, 2007

"Nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory."

Hahaha, I like that quote, though I may disagree...
So, here's the SCOOP. (No, not like Frito scoop.)
OKAY. Due to a request, and a feeling of nostalgia, I'm going to be giving this thing another major facelift. Okay. That is all.
Good thing I file my layouts in a folder on this pc...

Sunday, July 1, 2007

if we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going.

Well, well, well. Just more Stengelese or a Yogi

-ism to brighten up the day...or night, as it's 12:30
 right now, and the only thing keeping me going 
was that French Vanilla Iced Coffee with a shot 
of espresso that I had at like 7:20 P.M. at a 
Dunkin' Donuts in the city. Okay, well, my blog
 has received a long-overdue radical face-lift. 
Well, now I have 3 columns. My junk, such as
 pictures, tidbits, and random thoughts will be
 put on the left side. The right side is about me,
 which I need to change. I find it far too similar
 to Chiara's, and that's just not fair. Sorry 
Chiara! Oh, and so you know, and I'd like you
 to notice, any and all songs I put on my blog
 while using this layout will be at the bottom. (It has it's own little section.)
Oh boy! What a long day today. I've done sooo
 much. I went out to the city, didn't get a haircut,
 texted a lot, saw a nice orange phone that my aunt 
bought, walked out to Westchester Avenue in 
the Bronx, and truly enjoyed today to the fullest
. I realized today that you really have to seize
 the day, because not many come as good as 
this one!
The TV is on behind me, running this report 
about Chris Benoit, and the double-murder 
suicide, and the London terror attacks. This is
 horrible. Such a beautiful say, yet filled with tragedy.
I think I should get going. That espresso is 
finally wearing off. Oh, I got a new 24" high-
definition TV today from my aunt. It's going in
 my room. Quite a treat! I can't wait to set it up. 
Talk to y'all later!
OH. And I think we should (Meghan, Jess, 
Chiara, and Myself) have a blog together like 
we once did, only keep it this time. How's that
ahhhhhh, tired.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Well, isn't this nice?

I'm using this nice little tool to blog from my e-mail! This is coollll!!! I like it. Though...it's useless. Okay, enough of this. Time for bed!



Sunday, June 24, 2007

"I wish they could make one a heart..."

Off to Memorial Park! Stupid me forgot to change into jeans before I went, so I'm there, freezing, with shorts. Heck, at least I had a sweatshirt. Once Chiara got to the port-a-potty, and finnished doing God knows what in that disgusting contraption, Jess, Chiara and myself hit the rides. We went on the Cliff Hanger, again. Twice, at that. Mrs. Waters was there, too, with her son. We got our pictures...taken...for some reason. The second time, Ian was behind us. He attempted to tell us how amazing the typhoon ride was. No one was actually listening. I just kept saying things like "I LOVE YOU IAN! YEAH. WOO IAN!!!" Chiara soon joined along. Then, oh boy. Then I talked Spanish to the...er...... PEOPLE there. Yeah, that's it. One of them heard me and gave me this weird look. So, we were like idiots, on this ride, and I was screaming at the top of my lungs, "ARRIBA!!!!!!! HOLAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! ME GUSTA MUCHO!" Chiara joined there, too. Jess must have thought I was a complete idiot. Heck, I am, aren't I? We also heard the people testing fireworks while we were on the ride. OH OH OH!!! Then we went on that boat. Well, okay. Both rides, in my opinion, ESPECIALLY cliff-hanger went faster. Cliff hanger went way faster, and much longer, without a doubt.  So, thennnn we got MOUNTAIN DEW. WOOO. Andddd.... oh. Yeah. 3 fried dough, right here, please! Mine...mysteriously exploded all over my chest...hmmmm... with powdered sugar that is still in the sweatshirt. I'm going to have to wash that tonight. That was very...unpleseant...and tasteless. Not funny. But then we watched the fireworks! I want to go on the orbiter =[. The fireworks this year were rather spectacular. Much better compared to any previous year. The cotton candy was, well...cotton candy-ish. With it all, are the memories of a fantastic day...with a song I didn't expect to get stuck in my head. 
