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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Teenage Wasteland

School's getting wayyy too dramatic on the cusp of formal, which, to me, isn't a huge event. This is just how I see it, but we'll have well more important events coming up. No need to make such an unnecessary fuss over frosh formal. A lot of odd things are happening, a lot of people are hurt every day, and I see at least one or two people crying everyday because either someone won't ask them to formal, or they were denied. Yeah, it's upsetting, but the way I see it, there's nothing wrong with you, so just pick your head up and keep on going. Don't let anything ruin this wonderful year that has been. (When I say I see one to two people crying, I mean outside of the usual three or four drama queens.) But I'm just very lax with all of this. Formal is coming up, obviously, and I was asked....ASKED? Since WHEN do GIRLS do the asking? I've seen it this year, unfortunately I'm obliged not to give names. I was asked twice. Sure, it's not easy saying no. Actually, one of them I offered going as friends. I don't think they took it too well. And I know of one other that would like to go with me. But I can't keep all this school drama on my mind. You know why? I'm moving. That's why I've been blogging so infrequently lately. Between the end-of-year crunch, home searching, and the fact that I do indeed have a social life, I simply haven't had the time I need for blogging. It might be like this until the end of June. Maybe even after that. My parents agreed on a home that ironically enough Katie and Lauren Rossiter's mom Maribel is representing. It needs work, but it's nothing crazy. The price isn't at all bad at $229,000. It's a steal, really, but only because the housing market is quite a mess at the moment. Real estate agents my mother knows are giving another 8 months before the market hits rock bottom. That's around Christmas. That's sad. In other news, my parents almost bought another dog yesterday. I think we were going to name her Shelley or something. She is a shih-tzu. We didn't get her, but once we settle in this new house, we will most definitely get one, hopefully before I'm off to college. Well, I need to split. Again, nothing about my spring break, but it really was awesome. I'll write eventually. Oh, yeah, I went to the galleria and the palisades these last two days. My luck? "That girl" was at both places. Some of you will know what I'm talking about. Do you mind not telling people? I'd appreciate. 

-I'm not about to write out what happened. You can ask if you're so curious. 
~Please can you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some rest.~