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Friday, November 7, 2008

Hello World

Hey there friends.What's new? Haven't heard from my usual blog-followers in a while. Anyone wanna give me a shout out? I've been here editing video, and I'm about to go to sleep. I'm so exhausted after a great day in the city filming the Challenge competition. I would post the results here, but the group is under a Non Disclosure Agreement and I can't take any chances online. Ask me about it. I didn't have very many pictures, so I put together a collage of the day's events.

In other news, Ms. Sciarra decided to don the Wildcat mascot suit, and parade around like a nut. It landed her a spot on the channel 12 news tonight. The show will be airing December 20th & 21st at 6:30P and 9:30P. Be sure to catch us all on TV! Best part is, this isn't my only class trip this year! WOOOOOOOOOOOOH.