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Saturday, December 22, 2007


Yeah, well today I went Christmas shopping for three people. I'm not done shopping for any of them. Well, I bought gifts for two, one of two of their gifts. I found nothing for the third person. So, yeah. I'd say what I got, but I can't. I'll just post something. Chiara, here's the first part of yours. Yours it so nicely done, I'm so proud of myself. Well, yeah, so thats it for now. I got some new shirts, a gift to myself, and like 50 packages are coming to my house next week. Sucsk. Well, one is for me :-D. Can you say Ay-pahd-tu-chh?


Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder said...

Awwww! It's so pretty! There's a second part?? You didn't have to (which translates into yay! I'm getting presents!) Ok, well have fun in this nasty rain!