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Saturday, February 23, 2008

I can go with the flow

Tonight there are plenty of aromas in the air. Hints of just about anything...nice....like sugar and spice. (I had to.) While my PS3 is copying some movies from my computer, (FNL, Lost, The Office, to name a few) to watch on my TV, I guess I shall blog. I'm really in a good mood tonight. Things fell into place tonight, for the first time in two months. I'm happy with me. I love who I am. Sure, building more muscle, working out, I'm getting on that, but I love who I am, but above all I love my friends. I'm comfortable with all of them at the moment. I've talked to all of them, and they're all comfortable with me. I love it now. It's really amazing. On top of all of that, my mind is finally clear enough to know...hehe, this sounds stupid, but to definitely know who I like. (If you want details, ask me in private, or just comment.) Oh, that's the other thing. Thanks for the comments, guys. You're really supportive. No, really, thank you. No, seriously, gracias. Ah, damned thing is only at 38%. I really want to watch TV though! I wish it would hurry up. I'm buying rock band sometime this week, hopefully I can kick *** by Friday. Drums, dude, drums. I'm fine with guitar, so I hope. I realized today that there are many tough decisions in life. Now that I'm a new person, it's almost as if I have to re-think and experience it all over again. Sure, I'll always be the same person in the core, the one that Jess is far too good at figuring out...(meheh.) Well, I mean, hmm...this feeling tonight is ineffable. Ever felt so lighthearted (in a good way) and just excited, with butterflies in your stomach, even though you'll probably never have a chance? Yeah, that's me right now. High School's good, this is what it's supposed to feel like.

  • I want something good to die for, to make it beautiful to live.
Goodnight, all of youz. =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] C= =D [= [= [= [= [= [= [= [=


Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder said...

So who is this mystery person?!!?!? How much more do i need to beg????