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Monday, September 29, 2008

Sex on Fire

What's up guys? I haven't heard much from any of you. Depressing, isn't it? How's high school goin for the rest of ya? I'm pretty happy with my year thus far. Thank goodness tomorrow is Rosh Hashana, I was dying for a day off. My uncle calls the holy day "Rusha Homa" with the ingenious explanation that followers rush home before sundown on this day. Funny, I know. I wonder what he calls Yom Kippur. I don't know where the heck it's coming from, but Math B this year seems so much easier than it was last year, I'm pulling hundreds left and right, and it's not only me. It's the entire class. It's all good, better that than the grades I was pulling last year in Math B. WELCOME TO MATH B. Mr. Mark began throwing rocks at my grades. Speaking of rocks, did any of you other people get Mr. Folino's hilarious explanation for how dodge ball came about? It's great.

(Folino) "The tradition all started back in ancient Greece. You see, they would punish the criminals by lining them up against a wall looking straight out at one man. This man would hurl rocks at their heads, heavy rocks, and they would die. However, it was one special day when one Greek decided to do something known as dodge." (Coach V) "Hey hey, wait a second here, it was NOT dodge, okay? It's called evasive maneuvers, right coach?" (Folino) "Yeah, that's what I meant to say, it was just evasive maneuvers, was all. Well, eventually all of the Greeks would do it, until they could no longer do away with the criminals. They were then either tied or drowned, but that's another story entirely."

I love how they completely evade calling the game Dodge Ball. No, it's Territory Ball, get it straight.

As for my other classes, I'm doing well in pretty much all of them. English 10H is an unbelievable amount of work. I know you HA kids have been doing essays, but try balancing this, all at once.

  1. Beowulf movie, notetaking, essay writing, test eventually.
  2. Beowulf BOOK, project, (for me, a newspaper article of no less than 2 typed pages in length, 2 columns) essay outline Wednesday, test Friday.
  3. Individual reading book, certain amount to be completed nightly. Weekly quizzes. (Which are, by the way, essays.)
  4. Other work (sometimes unnecessary grammar) in between with quizzes and other HW.
This isn't like one thing per night. It's all four, and it's left me with hours of homework, but I'm hopeful the deluge will end soon.

French is going well, and yes, I've realized Mr. Merritt is one arrogant ass. I like him though. Biting sarcasm and a way of mocking people that could leave some crying...but me personally, it doesn't offend me, I'm indifferent. I find it rather funny, though I do definitely see why it would upset most people. Me and about four others in my class are on his good side, and that's because, as he says, we speak French well. I'm dreading the day he decides to go militant style on us. 'Til then, we can only wait. More stories to come, enjoy the day off! Thanks for reading! 


Song change probably coming soon. Any suggestions?