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Thursday, October 2, 2008


O hai, welkum to mythbusters!

-I'll explain that in another post, maybe, (I know Nicole understands that) but trust me, it does serve a purpose. Hey guys. Whatsup? I just wanted to blog and fulfill my NaBloPoMo duties for the day, by saying that I realized today the Obama Camp released an Obama Application for the iPod Touch and iPhone, and it's really cool, you can look through his stances on nearly every conceivable aspect of society. It's pretty odd how far along technology has come. It's even more peculiar how when one candidate says they don't know how to email, an entire country collectively shudders at the thought of being more in-tune with technology than arguably the most powerful man on the planet. That said, I noticed through Google Analytics that there are many newcomers to my site these couple days! That's probably due to my blogroll registation on nablopomo.ning.com. Thanks for coming, and please don't forget to vote in my presidential poll to your LEFT


Thank You!