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Thursday, July 12, 2007

What do you think? (My profile).

This was almost my profile, until blogger told me it was too long. 600 characters over the allotted 1,200. Here it is, anyway. I'm going to write a new one... soon.

I'm (sometimes) Marc-Anthony. I'm (kinda) Marco~Polumbo, or one of my other various nicknames. Sometimes I'm a TV freak. Sometimes I have OCD. Other times I have ADD (Well, not really.) I'm a music lover. I'm a guitarist hopeful. I'm a floating Christian, not devout to any specific religion just yet, but I'm just about done wading. I'm a reader, from the most frivolous scriptures, to the holy scripture, the Bible. I'm an avid baseball fan, mediocre soccer fan, and tennis lover. Hockey is also a sport I enjoy. I'm the child of a mother and a father that are no longer en masse. I'm a dork. I'm a nerd. I'm funny sometimes (so I've been told.) I apparently have an ear, and, more importantly, a tongue for accents. 1 @m @ g00d spllr. I absolutely love meeting new people. Sometimes I tend to be shy, sometimes I'm outgoing to the point of obnoxiousness. I'm sometimes a video game player. (See: DORK.) I'm far from conceited. I found recently, that somewhere, deep inside, I have an inate pleasure for math, when I actually solve a problem I once thought impossible. I walk my own path. I know the beaten, torn, and woed trail isn't always the right one. I'm an internet-surfer. I'm a pool/stream lover. I am a nature lover (To me, nothing beats a long, serene nature walk with two of your best buds, even if its only to a stream down a small hill =].) I love going to friends' houses. I love spontaneous visits. Sometimes I'm a really cool kid. Sometimes I'm just plain anoying. Sometimes I'm worse than a PMSing woman (No offense, my mom told me that one.) I actually know, that when a girl says something hurts, it HURTS. I'm a pet lover, any size (Just no spiders, please.) I'm a child of God, trying to be better every day. I'm Marc-Anthony, Marco~Polumbo, and sometimes I'm even Marco~Polo, an actor on the stage called life.
My Heroes:
Sam (The jewish one =])
Andrew S
Sara G
Okay, BSchnab
My entire family
Thanks a bunch
---And so many more people! Comment me if I forgot you, please! I can't remember tham all, there are far too many.


Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder said...

Awww, that was beautiful! You captured yourself so well. That was great. I loved it! You're such a good best friend.